Chapter 24

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“He knew these last lines by heart and mouthed them now in the darkness. My reason for life. Not living, but life. That was the touch. And she was his reason for life, and why he must survive.” Ian McEwan, Atonement


Chapter Twenty – Four

Spain mourned deeply for their lost king. The royal family also put on an appropriate display of mourning before the Court, and at the funeral which was attended by over a thousand of Spain’s noblemen and women.

Elena, who wore a dark veil and a heavy black velvet gown, thought that the funeral was very fitting for her father. It was large, grand, and the deceased King was showered with compliments, commending both his civic duties, his military endeavours and his exploratory missions.

The wedding of Carlos and Marisol had been delayed for a fortnight. Carlos needed to write home to his family while the royal family need to be seen in mourning seclusion for a while. A wedding was utterly inappropriate. Lupe, of course, would have to stay away from Court for several months while Joaquín found his feet in a new role. He had already had several meetings with his advisors and the coronation was being organised. He would be crowned in a few months’ time. Joaquín had already proven himself a firm and confident leader. He spoke with a certain assurance about him, making whomever listened feel as though their new leader knew exactly what was right.

While the country mourned, there was also the question of Joaquín’s heir, or lack thereof. While he was betrothed to Princess Athena of Greece, it was initially thought that she would come of age and they would be married prior to Juan’s death.

His council was already urging him to send for fourteen year old Athena, though Joaquín was not at all comfortable with that suggestion. He had seen Elena’s distress at her betrothal as a young girl, and he wanted Athena to have as much freedom as she could before she was brought to Spain. While honourable, the fact that Spain would be without an heir for another four years was unsettling to the council.

Joaquín had confided in Elena about his council’s suggestion that he call off the betrothal to Greece in favour of a princess that was old enough to wed. This, Elena knew, was not what Joaquín wanted. He did not want his first act as King to be terminating a contract with Greece. It would create unnecessary conflict. However, Elena also knew that the idea of their brothers being the next heirs to the throne was also unsettling to Joaquín. He needed a wife and he needed an heir, just as Spain needed a Queen and a young Prince of Asturias. Elena did not know if that woman would be Athena, or another young woman. Whoever it was, she hoped that she would make Joaquín happy.

While they sat in the church, singing hymns during Juan’s funeral service, Elena prayed for Joaquín’s good health. He was a deserving king, and his son deserved to be the next.

Elena also prayed for a successful meeting between her brother and David. The two had not yet met as the first week of Joaquín’s reign had been far too eventful. Joaquín, David and Elena were to have a private dinner that evening. Elena was nervous, but very excited. David had been looking forward to the meeting all week, as well. He was eager to make a good impression. He had already written home to his parents, telling them of the goings on in Spain. Chaperoned by Marisol, Elena had shown David as much of Madrid as she could while concealing her identity. She was supposed to be in mourning, after all. They had walked about the city, sampling whatever vendors were selling, while sightseeing and experiencing the day to day lives of the Spanish people. Elena had loved spending this time with David, even though they were closely escorted by Marisol. It was truly the first time that they had spent time together while knowing exactly who the other was. There was no secrets, no worrying and wondering if the other was being honest. It was an excellent insight into their future life. If this was what it would be like to be David’s wife, then Elena was sure that she would be very entertained.

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