Chapter 22

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“Stand up for yourself. Never give any one permission to abuse you." Lailah Gifty Akita


Chapter Twenty – Two

Elena’s parents were, as usual, sitting in the throne room before their noble subjects. Elena knew that her father enjoyed sitting above the dons. He revelled in being feared.

As they entered the throne room, the entire Court bowed and curtseyed. Elena, Joaquín, Carlos and Marisol all walked up to the King and Queen. Juan seemed curious at their sudden visit. Lupe merely looked reserved.

Elena noticed all the dons and ladies staring at her, wondering at what she would do next. It was before these people that she had embarrassed Carlos as a ten year old child. Personally, Elena could not think of a more boring way to occupy her time then by standing in a throne room, listening to a king preaching about his wealth and victories.

“Your Majesties,” greeted Carlos respectfully as he came before Juan and Lupe.

“Prince Carlos,” said Juan, smiling down at who he believed would be his future son-in-law. Juan did not have friends, nor people that he liked. Instead, he had allies. He saw Carlos as an ally, a mere asset to Spain. Elena knew that Juan wanted to have the assurance of a Portuguese army should he ever need the aid in a campaign.

“Might we have a word in private?” asked Carlos quietly. “There is something that we must discuss immediately. It is of the utmost importance.”

Juan nodded once, his eyebrows furrowing. He looked up to his Court and barked, “Everyone get out.” Juan was not one to care for polite dismissals, nor was he one for idle chitchat. Once the Court dispersed and they were alone in the throne room, he asked, “What is so important?”

Elena, Joaquín and Carlos stood side by side, while Marisol waited behind them. Until she was introduced as Carlos’ bride, and the future Queen of Portugal, she could not stand level with royalty. Juan did not acknowledge her, either. He thought it below his station to look a servant in the eye.

Carlos took a deep breath and began to address the King. “Majesty, I have been honoured by your hospitality and the welcome I have received from your country.” Elena thought his approach good. Juan enjoyed flattery and being told just how wonderful and brilliant a king he was.    

“Anything for our Portuguese neighbours,” replied Juan, clearly sounding like he was enjoying the compliments.

“Pardon me, my King,” said Lupe quietly, “but Elena must be separated from Prince Carlos as of this moment. There must be no intercourse until the wedding.”

Juan nodded, accepting his wife’s suggestion. “Yes, Elena, go with your maid,” he instructed. “I do not want to see you until you are in the church.”

Elena was trembling. Marisol, who stood behind her, put a calming hand on the small of her back, rubbing her softly.

“That might be an issue, Majesty,” replied Carlos.

Juan eyes widened. Juan was used to having his way. There was not a man in Spain who would dare defy their King. Aside from Elena, of course, and now Carlos. “Why would that be an issue?” he asked icily. “The bride and bridegroom are separated before their marriage. Thousands of Catholic unions have occurred the exact same way.”

Elena closed her eyes. She could not look at her father when he learned she was no longer Catholic. Of course she was, but Juan could not know that. Juan’s religion was of the utmost importance to him. While he had not been present for nearly any of Elena or her siblings’ milestones, he was present and devoted at their christenings and their confirmations. Those events had been the only times that Elena had seen her father behave with even a moderate sense of paternal instinct.

The Runaway PrincessOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara