Chapter 5

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"Can you wake her up we're almost there?" I hear Fletcher's voice faintly as I desperately try to wake up out of my groggy state. I'm not quite sure how long I've been out, but if the kink in my neck is any indication it was a while.

"Tessa." Someone shakes my shoulder effectively bringing me to the surface. I open my eyes only to squint at the bright light shining into the car. Blinking a few times to adjust to the light blinding from the sunset peeking through the trees.

"We're almost there." Della whispers resting her chin on the back of her seat in front of me. I look around confused of the time jump. Last thing I remember was eating breakfast with Victoria and now we are apparently almost to the meeting destination. Thankfully my dads already explained to me the schedule. The first night we arrive is super casual, and is mainly to get settled and mingle with everyone. There are also no mandatory meeting the first night because not everyone will have arrived yet. In the morning though we have two meetings the introductory meeting where all Alphas and Luna get introduced and are briefed on all meetings they have to attended. After the introduction meeting we have an individual meeting with the council to update them on any issues or problems within our pack. The individual meetings will take up the whole first day since they have to meet with each packs leaders. The second day is when the more important meetings happen, but we don't know exactly when they will be held until tomorrow.

"When we get there they will show us our rooms, and we can head down to grab some dinner." Fletcher says so everyone can hear, but I know he's saying it more for my own benefit. As if my stomach heard him it starts to growl with hunger.

"How are you?" Della asks brushing a stray hair out of my face. She's always so caring about others making sure we're doing well. Having her around right after my birthday, even though it was only for a few days, made it so much easier. She's been a motherly figure to me but also a best friend for as long as I can remember, and I know I wouldn't be who I am today without her.

"Better." I give her a reassuring smile. There is no point in lying to her because she'll see right through. Something I learned from an early age was to never lie to anyone especially not Della because she can tell when anyone is lying.

"I'm glad. This weekend will help keep you busy and your mind clear." She smiles Turing back around in her seat. Aidan is sitting next to her invested in reading some papers. Della leans over resting her head on his shoulder looking at what he's reading. Seeing them so in love with each other after all these years is heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. It's astonishing that they still love each other just as much as they did over ten years ago, yet I doubt I'll ever get to experience that for myself.

The winding road that we've been driving down opens up into a large circlular driveway with an over the top fountain placed in the middle. If I thought the fountain size was ridiculous the building/mansion whatever they call it is even more extravagant. Fletcher drives up the the front where a few men wait by the front entrence of the building. Everyone hops out of the car, but it takes me a second to shake off my shock at the sheer size and elegance of it all. I slide out almost tripping in the process luckily one of the men catches me by grabbing my arm.

"Thanks." I mumble out pulling my arm out of his grasp. Two of the men help pull all of our bags out of the back, and one hops into the drivers seat. Della hands me my suitcase shutting the trunk, and the car takes off heading towards a dirt road of to the side.

"They have a huge garage they put everyone's cars in." Aidan leans down telling me. I furrow my eyebrows following them inside keeping an eye on the dust kicked up from our van going down the dirt road. I turn back around in the nick of time otherwise I would have slammed into Aidan's back. Fletcher is talking to a woman behind a desk, so I take the moment to look around.

Rogue Revolution Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora