Chapter 9

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"We're here." Quentin whispers nudging my side. I lift my head off his shoulder looking out the car window seeing Black Moon's pack house coming into view, and shake my head trying to wake myself up since I almost just fell asleep. It doesn't help the sun set a few hours ago and the moon is hidden behind clouds creating a dark cover over everything.

"You guys should get some sleep tonight and head out in the morning." Della suggests parking the car in front of the pack house. I give Quentin a questioning look to see if he agrees with Della.

"She's right we have a big day tomorrow and we're going to need as much sleep as we can." His reassuring smile causes me to let out a sigh of relief. My eyelids feel like they're going to fall off if I don't get to bed soon.

Della, Quentin, and I all grab our bags out of the truck and make our way inside heading towards the stairs to Della and Aidan's wing. My brain goes into autopilot walking around the familiar house that was once my home. The halls are empty and the whole place quiet as we land on the fourth floor. Della punches in her code unlocking the door and swinging it open revealing chaos.

"What the hell is going on?" Della shrieks dropping her bag on the ground. Emeric freezes mid step carrying a trash can while Victoria snaps her head in our direction measuring out what appears to be medicine. Troy sits on the couch looking pale and cold as he's groaning under the stack of blankets covering his body.

"I'm ssssiiicckk." Troy whines coughing once he's finished with his words. Della rushes over to him as I pull Quentin inside shutting the door behind us. Victoria's eyes widen as she looks Quentin up and down, but I don't have time to say anything because Emeric interrupts.

"Who are you?" Emeric stands straighter evaluating Quentin for any signs of a threat, but he doesn't look as intimidating as he hoped because he's holding a redickulesly large trash can. It's hard to not snicker, but there is now more important issues.

"He's my mate." I announce moving over to get a better look at Troy. He's flushed with dark circles under his eyes. Della gets up rushing into the kitchen leaving the room looking flustered.

"Mate!?" Emeric Roars looking horrified. I roll my eyes kneeling down next to Troy feeling his forehead pulling back when it's burning up. Della rushes back in with a wash cloth and a glass of water.

"Emeric meet Quentin. Quentin this is my uncle Emeric." I introduce them sitting down in a chair next to the couch turning to Victoria. "What happened?" I ask knowing Della's too focused on Troy to ask herself. Victoria snaps her attention from Quentin back to me.

"He got pretty sick yesterday morning, and has only gotten worse since." She stammers out sneaking glances at Quentin. I smack the side of her leg sending her a pointed look. She blushes turning her back to him. "I told him not to go out without a jacket." Victoria defends herself causing Della to turn towards her daughter with a perplexed look.

"Out?" Della looks between her children, which includes Emeric, looking for an answer. Suddenly everyone's attention turns to a wall, window, or the ceiling anything but Della. I have to bite my lip to surpress my laughter.

"Conner was sick, so I covered his patrol shift." Della's eyebrows raise up so high I'm afraid they might disappear in her hairline.

"You what? When?" Her voice booms taking me back to getting scolded as a child. I definitely don't envy Troy right now. Quentin slowly moves closer to me standing next the the chair.

"The night you guys left." Another couching fit rattles his body. Victoria grabs a small cup filled with a purplish liquid handing it to Troy. He sits up resting his back against the arm of the couch apprehensively bringing the cup to his lips. My face scrunches up in disgust as he struggles to swallow the medicine. Gaging he shoves the empty cup back into Victoria's hands lying back down exhausted.

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