Chapter 11

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"Those bitches." Emma spits out while holding Otis in one hand and eating cereal with the other. I sit at her and Oliver's kitchen table as Oliver gets me a new ice pack from the freezer.

After I momentarily fainted in the training building Julia dismissed the class, and mindlinked her mate to come check me over since he is a doctor. Thankfully he deemed me okay enough to head home instead of hauling me over to the hospital. Not wanting to run into Quentin with my brusied ego and double black eyes I asked Julia to show me the way to Oliver and Emma's house.

"Did they reset your nose?" Oliver crouches down in front of me examining my face. Wincing at the lingering pain from when Julia did just that. I meekly nod trying to block out the memory of the distinct crack as she did it.

"Carrie better watch herself because as soon as I can start training again I'm going to put her back in her place." Emma stews taking another bite of her cereal chewing angerly. I shake my head pressing the ice pack lightly against my cheek.

"I'm going to deal with this myself." I grumble already thinking of ways to get my revenge. I know it's not very Luna like to be plotting ways to get revenge on a pack mate, but this goes beyond her punches. It's her words that did her in.

"If you think Quentin's going to let you even go near those women again, I hate to tell you but your wrong." Oliver raises his hands in surrender as Emma shoots him a fierce glare. "I'm just being honest, think about it would you let him go back if the roles were reversed?" Oliver makes a good point, but regardless I'm still furious. It doesn't matter what Quentin will say this is between Carrie and I. No one else needs to be getting involved otherwise it will get out of hand.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Emma mumbles looking over my shoulder. Turning my head to look over my shoulder I make eye contact with a fumming Quentin. His stance is rigid and eyes flaming with anger as he looks me over. I roll my eyes as he stalks closer keeping his gaze locked onto my face.

"I'm fine." I huff out. Quentin pulls a chair out setting it right in front of me. The second he's sitting his hands are all over my face. "Ow." I push his hand away as he pokes around my right eye, the tender skin throbbing angrily. He flinches at my response but doesn't back down.

"Ow" doesn't mean fine." Quentin scolds as I lean away from him. "And did you honestly think hiding out here would have kept me from finding out?" He gives me an exasperated look. I shrug unsure what I was thinking. To be completely honest I was kind of hoping I would be able to sneak off to bed tonight without him noticing. "I told you word travels fast." He reminds me about his words from earlier.

"It's my own fault." I grumble sliding down into the chair further crossing my arms across my chest. Quentin's expression only darkens from my words.

"No it's not. It's my fault I shouldn't have let you go today." I open my mouth to retort back but Emma beats me to it.

"If you think waiting another day or two would have helped you're wrong." She snorts. I nod so Quentin knows I agree with her. He wasn't there so he didn't see the look in their eyes as they threw insult after insult at me, and by the look in their eye they would have done it any day. Hell they'll probably do it again.

"So what do you consider was my best option?" Quentin sarcasticly asks. I don't know if Emma didn't hear the sarcasm or chose to ignore it buts she opens her mouth none the less.

"Train her yourself!" Emma snaps giving him an exasperated look. "You know plenty to teach her, and it will help strengthen the mate bond between both of you. Trust me the earlier you accept and fuel the bond the better it will be for both of you. I'm not saying you have to jump each other's bones tomorrow, just take some time for just the two of you that doesn't involve pack business." I'm out of breath by the time she finishes her rant and I wasn't even the one talking. I look anywhere but Quentin to give my cheeks a few seconds to lose their pink tint. Seeing she's gotten her point across Emma stands up carefully cradling Otis in her arms and leaves the room rolling her eyes.

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