Chapter 32

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The flat terrain along our journey to the camp set up helped cut our trip time. We got there sooner than I was expecting, and the less treacherous trail mapped out by the warriors kept us from having to take breaks to catch our breath. Luck is on our side because by the time we arrive some people are starting to set up for dinner.

"Here." Quentin shifts first slipping on a pair of shorts before holding out a shirt and leggings for me to take. Surveying the area I decide to change behind a tree because of the amount of strangers with wandering eyes. I don't waste any time getting dressed and rushing back out to find Quentin to see if my family has arrived yet.

"Emeric!" I spot him standing next to Quentin. He turns opening his arms for me as I run over throwing myself at him. It feels like forever since I last saw him because every time Della and Aidan come down he has to stay back to watch over the pack.

"I've missed you girly." He picks me up spinning me around before setting me back on my feet. Swaying slightly from the dizziness I lean back against Quentin's chest, and he wraps an arm around my waist to help steady me. "I was telling Quentin that your dads are planning on having a small dinner with just the family tonight." I smile at the thought of getting to spend a few hours with just my family, but it quickly falls as I remember the circumstances of why we are doing it. This very well could be our last night together.

"We need to get the warriors settled in first." I'm hopping that my dads left room for our pack next to theirs because I want to spend as much time together as possible.

"We are in the middle, your dads are to our left, and we left a space for you to set up to our right." He points to the area before running off to find Melody.

"I already have them getting the main tents set up, but I thought we could do a quick parameter run after setting up our tent and finding the rest of your family." Quentin takes the bag from my hand and slings it over his shoulder. I take his hand in mine and pull him in the direction Emeric pointed to. I'm glad Quentin brought up the idea of a parameter run because my wolf is already uneasy at the aspect of being in new unfamiliar territory.

It's good that Quentin is staying focused because it feels like my brain is being pulled in fifty different directions. I want to spend as much time with my family as possible, but I also have a pack to protect and watch over while mentally preparing to fight a brutal battle as soon as tomorrow. My heart and my brain are conflicting each other on every thought, and I'm terrified that it's going to distract me ay the worst possible time.

"Quentin!" I almost stumble over at the sight of Troy. There's is no way in hell Della and Aidan would let him fight, so why isn't he at Jasper's pack with the rest of the kids.

"Tessa!" Victoria rushes over crashing into my chest. I hug her back looking over her shoulder to Della who is slowly approaching with a semi guilty look.

"Why don't you guys go help find some kindling for the fire later." She ruffles Troy's hair ushering them in the opposite direction. "I'm sorry. I couldn't leave them." Her voice sounds defeated and worn down, and honestly I can't blame her. "They aren't going to fight though." She looks between us both waiting for a response.

"I understand." I smile giving her a quick hug before taking the tent bag from Quentin so he can greet her as well. "Where my dads?" I scan the tents that are open trying to spot them.

"They went with Aidan to find some meat for dinner. You guys can set up right here." She leads us to a small open space between a few tents. "Do you guys need any help?" She asks me while Quentin starts unpacking the tent.

"No I think we've got it. You can go make sure they aren't about to brawl it out." I attempt to lighten the mood, but her smile still doesn't reach her eyes. Della is one of the hardest people to read, so I don't know whether to be concerned or not.

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