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Rosé POV:

I hang up the phone with Y/n and put on a casual outfit. I told Y/n I was going for a walk and I am but to his dorm. He's been drinking but I think theres more going on then just the break up. Or maybe I'm just being selfish and I want to catch him at this moment to know what he truly feels. He's right alcohol is a truth serum. I grab my purse and walk out my room. To find Jennie stumbling in with June.

June holding Jennie up: "Hey Rosè, which room is Jennie's ?" I go next to him and help him hold Jennie.

Rosé: "It's in the next hallway, come on I'll help you."

June grunts: "No it's okay. Just open her door for me will you." He picks up Jennie bridal style and we take her to her room. I open the door so that he places her on the bed.

Rosé: "Lisa! Come to Jennie's  room quickly. "

June looks at me weirdly: "Why you calling Lisa over?"

Rosé: "I'm going to change her into PJs. And I'll need help, figured you could just wait in the living area."

Lisa appears at the door: "Everything okay?"

Rosé: "Jennie been drinking, let's change her clothes and then I'll have to leave." I look at June and he quickly walks out the room, greeting Lisa before fully leaving to the living area.

Lisa: "Didn't she go to Y/n's? Why would she come back like this? And why wouldn't Y/n be the one to bring her home?"

I look at her and then sit Jennie up on the bed: "Yah, enough with the questions. Help me put her in pjs." Lisa goes and grabs Jennie pjs while I take off her shirt.

Jennie fidgeting: "Yah!" She pushes me away as I finally get her shirt off. I put her shirt down and lay her back down, I was about to unbutton her pants when she moves away from me.

Rosé: "Jennie stop moving." I grab her waist and pull her back where she was laying. I quickly unbutton her pants but she moves away. I look at Lisa as she hands me Jennie pjs. Lisa climbs on the bed and holds Jennie down as I pull off her jeans.

Lisa: "Jen, it's me Lisa. You're okay." I finish pulling off her jeans to see her cuddle up in Lisa arms. "Everything okay?"  Jennie mumbles but we can't make out what she saying. "I think she drunk, she drank a lot at the restaurant and seems like they continued at Y/n dorm."

Rosé thoughts: "Should I tell Lisa what Y/n told me... Jennie broke up with him but what if she wakes up and doesn't remember. If I tell Lisa I know she'll remind Jennie about it. What if Y/n doesn't want that... I need to speak with him. I mean I  did and he didn't want to talk but something definitely up with him as well. UGH."

Lisa says while struggling to hold her down: "Should we just leave her without pj's?"

I get out of thought: "I think we should at least put a shirt on her." I throw Lisa the shirt while Jennie cuddles into Lisa. "You put it on since she snuggled on you."

Lisa groans: "Fine." She slowly puts on Jennie shirt while Jennie wiggles around.

Jennie: "I like you..." We both look at her. Lisa finishes and gets off the bed. We exit the room quietly, once we close the door we high five each other.

June: "I'm going to leave now." We jump out of fear, not realizing we left June here. He smiles: "Didn't mean to scare you."

Lisa hits him: "Yah! Didn't we say to wait in the living area. Or you just wanted to have a peep show?" 

June: "I went to the living area but seems like you two were struggling so I came back thinking you would want help. I could care less to peep on Jennie. Honestly, she not my type anyway." 

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