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" How do you not mess up your cloths?"

"Can  you drive ? Like how would you know if it's green or red ? "

"What about your makeup? "

" Can you still cook while having achromatopsia? "

I was taken back slightly as they bombarded me with questions. I had told Lena , Sam , and Gracy about my condition. They all took it pretty well , then got extremely curious about how I lived with full color blindness. We were at a cafe sitting and chit chatting when I bought up this conversation. 

I laughed "Mom taught be some tips and tricks that can never go wrong . Like how jeans can work with any color regardless.  I mean my cloths are pretty basic I guess ,I still try to stay within the safe side and pick things that can hardly go wrong so yeah " I answered the first question explaining how I manage  my cloths without looking like a clown - correction a whole circus.

" And nope I can't drive . I dont really wear makeup . I can of course  , I have my touch and taste there to guide me as well " I continued answering the rest of the questions .  The girls found it extremely fascinating for some reason.  The all nodded simultaneously , Lena taking a sip from her drink still wrapping her head around what I had just told them . Probably just finding more questions to ask.

It was Oli who encouraged me to let people know , to avoid misunderstandings,  and because they deserve to know . He gave me that little push I needed which I was extremely grateful for.

He encouraged me to start painting and drawing using colors to convey a meaning . He told me that art is supposed to make you feel something  and that's exactly what I did . I used what he told me about colors and what I researched about colors in my favor to create my pieces. I made sure I poor my soul into them and touch people's hearts .

He was extremely proud when I did my very first piece . It was scary,  because I didn't know how it looked colors wise , I just knew how it made me feel and what I wanted others to feel when they see it . For my very first piece using colors , I used one color - blue . My favorite color , even tho I never saw it , I just imagined it , I felt it . The feedback was absolutely incredible,  it made me so powerful and grateful to have such support . And since then I started using more colors in them .

I checked my phone Oli was calling me "I have to go now Oli's waiting for me outside, I'll see you guys tomorrow in class." The girls gave me the look as Sam nudged me with a smirk . 

They all got really excited when I told them Oli and I started dating. And of course they attacked me with their - very personal-  questions.  I was grateful to have bunch of crackheads as my friends , they're always supportive to matter what .

I said my goodbyes as I went to Oli to go back home .


We were in his appartment , he had picked me up from the cafe after his work was over. He looked exhausted , he was lying down his hand covering his eyes .  I used his stomach as a head pillow and rested my head on his abdomen while reading .

He didn't seem to mind , he was probably just too exhausted to say anything , or just loved having me beside him - and I think that's the case cause I'm a divine. 

It was getting really boring we had been lying like this for hourse . "Oli ?" I called while looking his side . He was a heavy sleeper . I flipped my self around that I was lying on my stomach . I started tracing his abs - which are really defined may I add - to get his attention. 

Tracing his abs always worked "Oli ?" I called again just as quietly as the first time . "Hmm" he finally replied with a sleepy voice.   " How was work today ?" I wanted to start a conversation,  it was only 8 pm for us to sleep anyways. He was going to wake up anyways after a while .

He removed his arm from his eyes putting them under his head. He turned his head towards me and answered "tiring" 

I leaned towards him "you did great." I leaned in closer and gave him a quick kiss. I broke the kiss but apparently Oli wanted more . He pulled me back for a longer kiss , he smirked mischievously against my lips making me let out a low chuckle.

We pulled appart , I was gasping for air while Oli seemed to be perfectly fine . He looked at me with loving eyes while caressing my cheeks . 

I fixed my self and climbed on top of him laid down resting my whole body over him. He engulfed in a hug and started playing with my hair.  "I need to get a job soon "I sighed telling him. I was going to be fully independent very soon .

" I'll also need to find a roommate to divide rent , I dont think I'll be able to pay college and rent at the same time..." I sighed again .  He went quiet for a while. "Why don't you work where I work ? " he suddenly  proposed  making me perk up in curiosity. 

"I can ? Does it pay well ? Are you able to pay both rent and college fees? " I fixed my self and sat on top of his stomach while attacking him with questions.

" yes , they only care about looks and looking presentable. It does . It covers my rent , I'm on a full scholarship so I have that covered for me . " Oli answered my series of questions .

I sighed frowning " I'll definitely need a roommate ! " I complained like a little kid . Then suddenly a brilliant idea came to me, my eyes lit with excitement. 

"Oli ! willyoubemyroomate ?" I proposed talking too fast. Fortunately he cought what I said .

" I mean we spend most if the time together. We eat together,  most of the time sleep together. I'll guarentee you AND promise you full privacy when you need it. I also won't be annoying and clingy . PLEAAAAASE ? " I gave him the best puppy eyes I could master.

"I'll cook for you and pay half the rent! What do you say ?"  I placed my hands together in a praying form .

" I take long showers, so don't rush me " he replied hinting that it was a yes . I threw my self at him, launching at full speed.

" I lOVE YOU " I hugged him . No, strangled him in a crushing hug . He was still lying down on his back when I hugged him.  He sat upright that my legs were around his waist.

He laughed quietly,  almost to himself as he returned the hug with the same force. "I love you too Audrey"

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