A friend in need, is a friend indeed

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Blaise was just making his way to the Common Room when he heard Harriet's mental scream

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Blaise was just making his way to the Common Room when he heard Harriet's mental scream. It took him a few seconds to realise it for what it was, and he hesitated, not knowing what to do.

Undoubtedly, Quirrell had gotten to her. Even now, she could be lying unconscious… or dead. He needed to get to her, but he also needed help. If the Defence professor could get her, then he could defeat Blaise as well.

Though, who could help him?




No, they were up against a fully trained wizard. There was no way they could win. They needed help, adult help. But who?

Not McGonagall, most definitely not.

Snape? No, there was still the chance that it was actually him.

And then it suddenly hit him!


Blaise smiled grimly and tore through the hallways, ignoring the stares of those he passed. He barrelled up the stairs from the dungeon and was fast on his way to the Charms corridor. Just as he turned a corner, he ran smack into another person, sending both of them sprawling to the floor. Blaise quickly picked himself up and went to help the other person, but he froze when he recognised silvery eyes and platinum-blond hair.


"Why are you in such a hurry?" the blond bit out in frustration, helping himself off of the floor.

Blaise didn't answer; instead, he continued on his way… or, at least, tried to. A firm hand on his arm stopped him, and he whirled around.

"What's wrong, Bl-Zabini?" Malfoy demanded.

"Nothing!" Blaise shouted, growling. "Now, let me go!" He wheezed, fighting to breathe. All the running he was doing was causing him to be rather short on air.

Malfoy sneered. "No, not until you tell me what is wrong."

"I don't have time for this!" Blaise yelled, shoving the other boy out of the way, but the blond wouldn't relinquish his hold. "I have to get help! She's in trouble!"

"Help? She's in trouble?" Draco repeated with confusion, but his eyes suddenly lit up in understanding. "It's Harriet, isn't it?" he asked, but he went on before the other boy could answer, "This has something to do with the Stone, doesn't it? The one the others were talking about in the Common Room?"

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