A pleasant surprise

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The days flew by after the discussion about Blaise's family, and they were filled with tea parties, books, curiosity about the strange diary, research into Ming Magic, lessons, chess, more books, more research, more lessons

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The days flew by after the discussion about Blaise's family, and they were filled with tea parties, books, curiosity about the strange diary, research into Ming Magic, lessons, chess, more books, more research, more lessons. The duo made some progress in their researching into Mind Magic, discovering that alcohol could temporarily suppress or mute the abilities. However, they made little way with the mysterious diary, though the boy swore there was something odd with it, and Harriet's telepathy, which kept picking up a pseudo-presence, seemed to indicate the same. Time passed quickly, and finally, it was the eve of their return to Hogwarts.

It was the day Draco was to arrive.

The blond in question arrived with great aplomb through the Floo Network, which is to say that he came flying out, followed by his trunk, and landed in a heap. Blaise jovially extricated Draco from the tangle of limbs and gave him a helping hand up. Eren Zabini and Harriet stood off to the side, watching the spectacle, the former casting a discreet Cleaning charm and the latter moving instantly to their side.

Yet, before she could even greet him, the blond was already at her side, wrapping his arms around her in a fierce hug. Automatically, her arms came up, and she squeezed him back.

"Harriet," he breathed in her ear before pulling back. His face was still very close to hers.

"Hello, Draco," she responded with a smile, still somewhat surprised by the display of affection. She supposed that he was trying to make up for lost time, but even with this idea in her head, she couldn't help but blush. Blaise was usually the only one to hug her, though his family was starting to do so also.

Blaise and his mother watched their interaction with interest, but as soon as the boy saw Harriet's face flush, he stepped in.

"Well, Draco, I feel a bit put out," he teased, attracting the blond's attention. "Where's my hug?" He fluttered his lovely eye-lashes mockingly.

The other boy snorted. "As if I would, Zabini," Draco replied before deliberately sidestepping and going to greet Mrs. Zabini.

Harriet laughed, just as the boy intended, her embarrassment forgotten.

Soon, the rest of the Zabini family, Dante and the two daughters, came into the kitchen to have breakfast, also exchanging pleasantries. Shortly thereafter, the house-elves served a scrumptious meal, which passed quickly with all the conversation.

Afterwards, Blaise led his two friends upstairs, stowing Draco's things in the room next to his. There, with great style and a bit of flourish, the blond presented Harriet a late birthday gift. It turned out to be a full servicing and detailing kit for her wand. The box was complete with several specialised and magical polishes, two ritual knives to carve runes of power, and a wrist-holster that was spelled to automatically fit and to prevent a wand from being summoned. All told, it was an incredibly expensive gift, and her eyes bugged out at the thought of how much it cost. The holster alone, made of high quality dragonhide and with countless extra magics added to it, was worth at the very least ten Galleons. More than her wand had cost, now that she thought about it.

Blushing with pleasure at the present, Harriet was about to question her blond friend about the need for such a thing, but then, the memory of how easily she was disarmed by Quirrell the previous spring caused her to firmly shut her mouth. Instead, the girl settled for a happy and gracious thank you, giving Draco another embrace. Blaise smiled at the scene, quite pleased by the change in the other two's relationship and the fact that Harriet actually initiated physical contact.

Next, the trio travelled across the hallway to Blaise's room, where they spent a lazy morning chatting about various topics and eating the Chocolate Frogs Draco had brought with him. They talked about their respective summers, Draco describing his trip to France with his parents at the start of the holiday, visiting distant relatives. Blaise mentioned that he had basically read all summer and then had spent time with Harriet. The girl, in turn, simply focused on her time with the Weasleys and vaguely alluded to the Zabinis. She completely left out any mention of the Dursleys since both of her companions already knew about everything she was willing to say on that particular subject.

She and the Blaise quickly told Draco about their various studies, not mentioning the Mind Magic since she didn't want to tell anyone else just yet. However, they did inform him about the diary, and Harriet even went to her room to fetch it.

"Hm… T. M. Riddle," Draco stated, reading the script on the cover. He turned his head to glance at Harriet, who was sitting on Blaise's bed. "You said you found it in your trunk?" he asked, handing the diary back.

She nodded. "Yes, but I have no idea how it got there. The nearest we can figure is that it was placed there by mistake, but the only people who could have put it there are the Weasleys. Why would they even have it?"

"I don't know. Are you going to ask?" the blond questioned, leaning back against Blaise's bed from his position on the floor.

"Maybe. I'm not sure. It's just that there is something so very familiar about the name." Green eyes closed as she concentrated. "I just can't remember from where. I don't want to ask because then they might want it back, and I want to know." She fingered the cover of the diary. "I have to know." Harriet lapsed into silence, simply running her fingers across the surface.

The two boys exchanged a look.

"And it's completely blank; nothing written in it at all?" Draco rubbed his chin thoughtfully before reaching for a Chocolate Frog from the box next to him.

Blaise answered this time. "No, my revealer didn't show anything either. We were going to try a few spells on it when we return to school," he replied, also reaching for a Frog from his place on the foot of the bed.

The blond nodded and absentmindedly looked at his card, which turned out to be the rare Dominic Dorée and led them to launch into a discussion about their various collections. Yet, even through all the chatter the diary remained in Harriet's hands, and her eyes constantly sought the name on the cover.

T. M. Riddle.

Deep in her heart she knew that name, and she was going to do everything in her power to find out why


I would like to thank all my dear readers for not giving up on me till now. I know I had made you wait a long time, broken up a few promises failed to entertain you with my new chapters or recent updates.
Still I continue to write chapters after I get your wonderful inspiring comments and message so thanks so much for not giving up on me. Thanks a lot for those 50 K plus reads..and if you think that this book is underrated you can share it so I can reach atleast 100 k reads soon.
And recently life had been terrible for me and I am going through a whole lot of depression till now. So you all might understand why I am not being able to publish so often. And these days I am not very active on Wattpad so my insta username is ~ m.e.g.h.a_g.h.o.s.h , you can send a message there for any requests on my story. As I am recently a bit more active on insta and again thanks to all my readers, followers and friends.

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