Friends or enemies

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Green eyes widened as Harriet noticed who it was, but she remained quiet as he walked to the annoyed nurse and hand her a note before coming over to the girl's bed

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Green eyes widened as Harriet noticed who it was, but she remained quiet as he walked to the annoyed nurse and hand her a note before coming over to the girl's bed.

"Hello," Draco Malfoy greeted nervously.

Harriet looked at him blankly. "Er… hello," she said after a moment, gesturing for him to sit.

Draco nodded and took the chair next to her bed, staring at the ground for several moments. Undoubtedly, the two would have sat in silence for the rest of forever had Harriet not prompted him.

"Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?" she questioned.

"Yes…" he trailed off.

She mentally rolled her eyes. "Well?"

Draco inhaled sharply before launching into an explanation of how his father had been a Death Eater in Voldemort's inner circle but that Lucius Malfoy had been forced into it. He also whispered that the parents of Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy, not to mention Theo's uncle, had all been forced into the Dark Lord's service as well. When Harriet questioned why Milli and Theo could associate with Muggleborns and Muggle-lovers, Draco blithely informed her that their family had not been in the inner circle. If the Dark Lord were to return, he would severely punish the Notts for their supposed treachery, but they would be left alive. That was not the case for the family members of Voldemort's elite.

The girl stared at him blankly before reaching out her senses and searching his thoughts. And there it was, bright as day, for all the world to see. Had they been telepaths.

Draco Malfoy was telling the truth. He was actually telling the truth.

He had been a horrible git the entire year, not because it was his true personality, though it might actually have been. In truth, it was because he was afraid. He was deathly afraid that the Dark Lord would return and kill his family for associating with Muggleborns and the like.

"As far as excuses for bad behaviour go," Harriet said after a moment, "that's a pretty good one. Still, it doesn't quite justify all of your actions. You could just ignore Muggleborns; you don't have to torment them," she asserted fiercely.

Draco flinched. "True… but I was afraid. I thought that he might come back and kill us for even allowing them to exist."

She could see his point, but that still didn't completely excuse his behaviour.

"We have no idea if he ever will come back," Harriet stated heatedly. "As long as there are people who work against him, there's still hope that he won't, so you can stop being such a prat."

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