The Hunt

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They both slammed the glass on the wooden table at the same time and gave a loud laugh. The bar was empty and they were the only ones left.

"Twas a good treat today, eh?"

"The best! Wanna go for another ride tonight?"

"You find me one then?"

"It's a frickin' deal"

There was a sharp creak at the door as it opened, it revealed a silhouette of a man wearing a black hat with an overcoat. The man held an axe in his left hand and the blade rested on his shoulder. He ambled inside the bar.

One of them was facing the door, he tilted his head to get a closer look. The black hat was unusually familiar but his drunkenness had already clouded his mind. The man slowly lifted his hat and revealed his face. His jaw dropped in fear as he confronted the urban legend.

He signaled his companion and the other guy immediately picked up his chair and threw it on the man. The hunter swung his axe and broke the chair mid-air, sending two separate pieces in opposite sides. Both of them grew their fangs, their eyes turned red and acquired their original vampire form.

One of them launched towards the hunter and went for a kick. The hunter blocked it but lost balance and fell backwards. He immediately rolled on his left to avoid the punch from the same vampire and whirled his axe horizontally, cutting the vampire in half.

He stood up, quickly skimmed everywhere but was unable to find another vampire. He could easily hear the heavy thuds on the wooden floor. While he was analyzing where the sound came from, a punch came out of nowhere and startled him.

The vampire was clearly invisible and he was left to rely on his hearing. The hunter took a stance and tried to pin the vampire's location again. Seconds later, something jumped on hunter's back, the vampire went for the neck this time. He immediately flipped his axe and hit the vampire with it's handle.

Without a second thought he twisted the handle which unveiled a muzzle faced straight towards the vampire's face. A huge shot was fired in the bar and the vampire fell down on the floor. The gunshot was so close to the hunter's ear that it started bleeding and made him dizzy and unstable.

He carefully stumbled his way to the bar, pulled the bartender out and handed him a bundle of cash.
"You.. you didn't.. see a thing."

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