1: New start

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I woke up with a bright light right over me making me open and close my eyes repeatedly times to get used to it. I groan in annoyance because of the light. 

I feel like trash, my throat is dry as hell and my head hurts so much. I look around the room I am in, confused about everything around me I start to look at myself. I look pale, I have needles attached to my arm and a machine next to me registering my pulse... the sound is not helping my headache.

The door opens, I look up finding a surprised nurse looking at me with wide eyes. After a couple of seconds, she smiles widely and gets out of the room leaving me alone again.

A doctor opens the door followed by the same nurse and another one, all of them have wide smiles, making me smile slightly too. The first nurse hands me a glass of water; after I'm done with it she takes it away.

"How are you feeling?" The unknown doctor asks.

"My head hurts bad."

"Oh okay, Serena would you please get a pain-killer." Nurse number two nods her head and gets out of the room.

"Do you remember anything?" The doctor asks again while examining me.

I start to think... the first memory I have is waking up here...

"No..." I say trying to think harder even though my head hurts even more when I do it.

"Well, don't worry sweety, you'll manage to remember something." Nurse number one says with a warm smile.

"What's my name?" I asked furrowing my brows.

"We don't know." The doctor says automatically.

"We hoped you would know it once you had woken up," Says the nurse in a calm tone.

"Then..." I trailed off as I don't know what else to say.

"Don't worry sweety; there's a precedent for cases like yours. We will give you a new identity until you can remember something."

" W-what if I don't remember...?" I ask a little scared.

"Nothing girl, you could use this opportunity to have a new life."

After a couple of hours where they made me move to check how my body was doing; they handed me papers to fill out for my new identity. I got stuck in what name I want.

"You don't know what name to choose?" Nurse number one, Margaret, asked.

I have to say, Margaret looks like someone I have known before, but she didn't say she knows me so I think it is just my head trying to find memories.

"Nop." I stare at the page not knowing what to do.

"Then, what about Kim Miyoung."

"Kim Miyoung..." I say slowly. " I like it. " I say smiling.

Margaret gives me a bright smile.

"Wait, what is today's date?" 

"It's 21st-century girl." She giggles

"21st-century? For real?" I furrow my brows confused, it doesn't seem right to me at all.

Margaret takes the papers from me; she fills out the date and other stuff for me.

"For how much time was I sleeping?" I look at Margaret who seems trying to remember.

"Well, I am not sure, but at least I can say you have been here all the time we all have worked in this hospital"


"About what...? I am sure you have been here more than ten years, Doc. Lee who is the oldest worker here has memories of you being here ever since he started working here forty years ago"

"WHAT?!" My eyes widen.

"But you know, his memory is starting to fail him, you can't be that old."


"Here." She gets out a mini mirror.

I look at my pale face in the mirror, I don't look old at all... I look like I'm about 18-20 which makes me question my age.

Why can't I remember anything? What happened? All these questions are starting to torment me.

"Don't worry girl, maybe this is the opportunity you wanted to start over?" Margaret soothes me.

"Well, it's not like I have any memories so..." I trail off.

"Well, everything seems correct... we will help you with housing and with a job, also, we need to take a picture for your new identification." A doctor enters my room with a big smile.

"Everything seems correct?" I ask confused.

"Yes, your body is in perfect condition... as if you were never in a coma for so long. We don't have any way of knowing your real age so we will just say that you are twenty-one."

"But... no one gave their information in case I woke up?" I ask confused.

"No, that is the weirdest thing out of all this situation, but we know this is not a criminal case because you were never beaten, your medic historical just talks about a deep coma."

I feel hurt, did I not have someone with me? Was I completely alone? What happened to me to finish like this? I want to hit my head so maybe I can remember something.

I sigh giving up on remembering something for now.

"We will have you here until the social worker gets you an apartment and a job."

 "Hello..." An old woman enters my room. She looks at a paper before talking again. "Kim Miyoung, I am Mrs. Lee, I am here to help you start your life again. I know this must be so confusing and stressful, but I will help you through this."

The social worker hands me a list to choose a job and explains to me where my new apartment is and how much the rent is, she also gives me a phone. I wonder how rich is this country to be able to pay the first month of rent for me and give a phone.

I look at the phone confused... I have never seen one, literally. I struggle with it until Margaret comes to my rescue, Margaret gives me her phone number in case I need help.

Well, I guess this is real... whoever I was with is dead now because I can't remember. My goal now is to subsist and to remember something about my past.


A/N- I am so excited to start a new book!!!!

This is the sequel of "His hidden mate" YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ IT to understand this book but it would help understand some references I will make.

I want to say thank you to all of you guys that have read my previous book.

I hope you will all enjoy this book as much as I am while I write it.

I hope you will all enjoy this book as much as I am while I write it

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