24: Mate

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I look at him... it's him, even his smell is the same. He is the man with the blurry face I see in my memories.

The time freezes, I stop feeling my heartbeat that races like crazy, everything disappears around me, all I can see if the man standing in front of me and the panic that is invading me.

No one says anything, King Yoongi just stands there with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open in shock.

Two other men enter the room from his side hurriedly.

"Yoongi are you okay?" One of them asks.

They follow the direction he's looking at, their jaws drop down as well.

"What's happening here?" Jimin asks upset. "Why are you looking at my soulmate like that?" He asks possessive.

Jimin stands up, he puts me down behind him hiding me. Taehyung and Junkook stand next to him to cover me better.

My legs shake to the point I think they'll give up any time, I put my hand on Jimin's shoulders so I don't fall.

Who's this man?  

Why is he in my weird memories? 


"Your soulmate?" King Yoongi trailed off softly with a cold tone. He stands there lost in his thoughts. "YOUR SOULMATE?!" He explodes.

I scream scared, I throw myself on the floor hugging my knees and I put my head on my arms. I'm having a panic attack and I don't know why.

"Babe, what's wrong?!" Jimin turns around worried.

He takes off my crown before it falls off my head. He hugs me tightly, I hug him back. I hide my face in his chest, I clench my fist in his shirt not caring if I'll ruin it, I practically become a ball in Jimin's lap. Jimin runs his hands in my hair trying to soothe me but I never stop shaking hard.

"Do you know him?" Jimin asks me trying to sound calm when he is clearly upset because I'm feeling terrible.

"I don't know," I whisper-cry. "I don't know why I'm so scared." I sob.

King Yoongi doesn't say anything but I can feel his gaze burn me.

"So you don't remember anything..." Yoongi finally says angrily.

"Yoongi don't," One man tries to stop him.


I start to shake hardly if that is even possible...

"Stop it" I plead as I cover my ears.


I start to cry madly.

"She's not going anywhere near you," Jimin says in a cold tone I have never heard, it makes me shiver. "She's not yours! I don't understand what's happening here but I'm taking Miyoung back to the castle." Jimin lifts me up ready to leave

"NO! I won't let you! That's my mate! HeeYong!" King Yoongi cries.


"Well, Joseon HeeYoung I'm King Yoongi."

The memory plays in my head again. 

It can't be? Can it?!

"She's not HeeYoung! She's Miyoung!" Jungkook defends.

"She's indeed HeeYoung," One of the men next to King Yoongi says sadly.

"But how?!" Jungkook asks so confusedly. "Isn't HeeYoung supposed to be in your castle?! Miyoung woke up from a coma in a crappy hospital! No one knew who she was or who to call to pick her up, they lost all the documentation... they couldn't even say how much time she was in a coma!"

"She was in a coma for more than a century," Someone says.

"The fairies stole her while we were away," A voice says.

Why are their voices familiar? 

Through my tears I look over Jimin's shoulder, the king, a man with broad shoulders, and a man that has his mouth in a triangular shape are standing there with so many emotions.

"We were here to ask for help to get her back," The man with broad shoulders says.

No one says anything.

Jimin starts to walk out, but before he leaves, he looks back at them.

"Well, if she really is HeeYoung, you did a pathetic job at protecting her," He says with hate. "Now she is mine and I know how to protect her and make her happy; unlike you."

And with that, we leave the room. Jimin never stops hugging me; once we are in the car I straddle Jimin on the back seat, I start to cry scared in his arms, Jimin whispers sweet nothings in my ear. I slowly start to calm down.

The car ride is silent, the only thing that you can hear is my sobs and Jimin trying to calm me down.

I don't know what to think, am I really HeeYoung?  How can I have two people destined to love me for life? Why can't I remember anything even after all this?

My head hurts so bad, I have finally stopped shaking but tears are still going down my cheek.

Jimin's shirt is a complete mess, it's wet and wrinkled because of me.

After a while, I fall asleep in Jimin's embrace.

Ever since I started writing "His hidden mate" I have been waiting for this specific moment!!! It's finally happening!! *squeals hard*

I can't believe it, finally, the drama is going to start!

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