2: Job

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I still don't remember anything... not even my dreams have given me clues about something, I don't dream.

It's been a week since I was discharged from the hospital, I got a job with a fashion designer. She was operating her store alone, but lately, she has been gaining more fame and she needed some else to help her. I came right on time to apply for the job. She was intrigued when she knew I lost all my memories... she welcomed me in the store the first day by saying she was claiming the spot of being my first friend.

I walk through the streets of the city getting closer to the wealthy zone where all the expensive stores are... I enter the store where I work ready to start my shift.

"Miyoung! Just in time as always," Areum smiles widely when she sees me. "We are expecting one of our best customers today, he's here to try on the suits he ordered. I want you to take care of him."

"Yes ma'am," I answer smiling.

I bit the inside of my cheek nervously, I don't want to screw things up with him nor anyone else, but by acknowledging he's one of our best customers makes me extra nervous.

"His name is Kim Taehyung, his appointment is in a couple of minutes, everything is ready," Areum says.

After a couple of seconds, the door opens. A tall man with brown hair and a boxy smile enters.

Is he Kim Taehyung? I thought he would be scary as the majority of the customers here...

He looks nice.

"Mr. Kim! Your new suits are ready for you to try them on," Areum says.

"Hello, my name is Miyoung and I am here to help you, Mr. Kim." I bow.

He scans me from head to toe before speaking.

"Are you new here? I have never seen you." His smile never leaves his face.

"Yes, I started working a week ago."

"Well, I might start coming here often then." My cheeks start to burn, I look down quickly trying to hide it.

"Cute," He whispers to himself.

"This way please..." I say.

He comes back to reality after I talk. He follows me to where his suits are.

"If you need my help I will be outside," I say before he goes into the fitting room.

Mr.Kim enters the fitting room with a smile. I hope he doesn't need my help, my hands have been shaking all this time... every time he looks at me I get nervous, his flirty manner towards me is making me blush just by looking at him. 

I sigh trying to compose myself.

After a while, Mr. Kim gets out.

"Everything is perfect," He says smiling.

"I am glad to hear that."

He pays and walks to the door with his new suits; before he gets out of the store he turns his head to look at me one more time, he winks at me before walking out.

"He likes you." Areum giggles. "He tipped you with five hundred bucks."

"WHAT?" My eyes widen so much I bet they look like they are about to fall off.

"He told me to tell you to use it to buy something pretty."

"Oh, God!" I say embarrassed.

 Areum laughs at my reaction but doesn't continue to tease me about it.

 Mr.Kim just paid half my rent.

"Hey, Miyoung, would you like to learn how to design fashion?"

"Design fashion?"I repeat surprised.

"Yes I have been thinking, you have a good eye for clothes and I could use a right hand."

My eyes are wide in surprise. "Areum, I would love to!" I grin.

Areum squeals in excitement while jumping, I giggle at her behavior.

I spend the rest of my shift with Aerum teaching me the basics of fashion designs. She starts by teaching me the history of fashion. 

When we get to the 1900s all my attention is focused on the dresses Areum shows me. I love most of them, they make me feel like it is something I would be wearing daily...

After Areum closes the store we say goodbye and then we walk in different directions to get home.

I can't forget that feeling I had when Areum and I were looking through the early 1900s dresses... I don't understand why though, does it have something to do with me...? That is impossible ! if I was alive back then I would be dead by now.

I get home exhausted, I drop myself dead on the sofa. I loved learning about fashion but I am so dead now I want to become one with the sofa.

Luckily for me tomorrow is my day off, I'm going to explore the city, all I have seen is the trip from my apartment to work. I did some research on the city, I found out that this city has one of the best ice cream parlors of the country. I need to go there.


I wake up on the sofa... guess I did become one with it last night. I look at the time; it is time for lunch. 

I go to the kitchen to prepare something fast and light so I will be able to eat ice cream later.

After I eat I go to my room to get dress, I put on a T-shirt, an overall skirt Aerum gave me, and comfy sneakers. I let my hair fall free going down my waist... I don't know how long it was before I got in a coma but I can tell it grew a couple of inches ever since.

Excited I go to Google Maps on my phone to start my adventure. I start walking not paying much attention to the map.

After a few minutes of walking, I see all the buildings in the city. I have been following the same route as always to get to work, the ice cream shop is in the same shopping center but it is more in the area of common people

Once I find the ice cream shop I see a huge line that moves quickly. Giving little jumps of emotion, I form at the end, ahead of me there are many children with the same emotion as me waiting, my heart jumps in happiness to see them. I would love to find the love of my life and to make a family with that person.

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