15: Arrival

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I wake up with a knot of excitement in my stomach. I can't breathe at a normal speed, my excitement is consuming me.

Someone knocks on the door. Jimin groans as he stands up to answer the door.


"Get out of here!" Areum storms inside of the room.

In a couple of seconds, Jungkook and Taehyung come to the room as well. They look at Jimin that is just standing there confused a couple of seconds before they drag him out of the room against his will.

"Okay, now that he is out I will bring the dress and everything I'll need. Go take a shower girl," Areum says extremely fast with a grin.

She gets out of the room as fast as she came in.

I do as she told me, I get in the shower. I don't take too much time, the excitement makes me move faster. When I get out I found Areum putting everything in place frantically.

"I'm here!" A female voice sings.

I turn my head to see Jimin's mom coming into the room.

"Oh god, how do you feel Miyoung? I'm so excited, my face hurts of smiling too much! This is bringing me flashbacks of my wedding." She sighs with a big smile looking into space.

"I can't believe this is happening," I say grinning.

"It is honey!" Areum says.

"Oh! Is that the dress?" Jimin's mom asks looking at it with widened eyes.

"Yep! It took me two weeks and a half to make," Areum answers proudly.

"Oh my god, I thought Jimin's suit for the wedding was flawless but you outdid yourself here!"

I sit on the chair in front of my vanity.

Jimin's mom starts to do my hair while Areum does my make up.

"Hello! I've come here to eat away from everyone." A girl says.

"Of course you are." Jimin's mom laughs.

Her name is Princess Ruby, she is one of the oldest princesses, enjoying her singleness for the time being. 

She comes in with a bag of chips already wearing her dress for the wedding.

"You look stunning," I say when I see her dress.

"Thank you!" She speans around showing off her dress with a big smile and then makes a reverence. "I'm so excited we are having another royal wedding! I'm ready to dance with boys." She smiles flirtatiously.

I giggle while the rest rolls their eyes shaking their heads smiling; Princess Ruby giggles.

"I say the same thing every wedding but I really hope I'm the next one..." She lays down on the bed pouting.

"You never know," Areum answers.

"I have been to basically every royal wedding of this kingdom. I'm almost sure my soulmate is not a vampire."

"You should go on a trip, maybe you find him in the human world," I recommend.

She sits up with wide eyes. "You're right! How has no one ever recommended me that...? How have I not think about that?!" She hits her forehead with her fist repeatedly with a smile.

"Everything is done! Now go put this on and once you are done I'll come in to help you get in the dress." Areum instructs while handing me a bag.

I go to the bathroom to change. I open the bag Areum gave me, my eyes widen at the sight; she gave me black lingerie. With my face flushed I put it on, I don't even know why I have it on if this doesn't cover anything... 

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