30: Promise

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My eyes widen when Yoongi finally looks up, he looks deeply into my eyes.

"You were my hidden mate for a century and I lost you..." He takes a deep breath. He closes his eyes fighting his tears from falling again. "And now nothing is the same, and it won't be the same." His voice cracks at the end.

He blinks multiple times and kisses my hand over and over again.

"I'm the most stupid person in the world," He murmurs to himself.

He looks at my left hand, right where my wedding ring is.

"I'll take you back with him." He stands up and I do the same. "But!" He takes my hands between his again and looks deeply into my eyes. "If you ever get bored of him I'll be here."

I laugh at his suggestion.

He sighs deeply while he lets go of both my hands and we walk out.

When Hoseok sees me he smiles widely.

"Hi Hobi!" His eyes brighten.

"You remember me!!!" He runs to hug me.

"You looked familiar so I thought hard about you and then I remembered."

 He starts to yell and jump in happiness.

I remember almost everything, kind of... I don't remember my family.

I get out of the house ready to leave. I look around me, we are at the beach.

I look to the ocean. I have never seen it in person... I try to memorize the smell in a couple of seconds that I have.

"Have you been to the beach before HeeYoung?" Hoseok asked me amused.

I chuckle. "Not that I can remember."

"We can bring you back here another time and make a picnic!" Jin says excitedly.

"I would love to!" I say excitedly.

I jump in the car. Jin drives, Hoseok sites next to him, I sit on the back with Yoongi but the middle seat remains empty.

"How far are we?" I ask curiously.

Jin chuckles. "A two-day-drive."

My eyes widen. "TWO DAYS?!" Hoseok and Jin laugh awkwardly.

"Can someone give me their phone?" I ask.

I think I have been gone long enough for the vampires to put a price in their heads.

Yoongi gives me his phone, I quickly call Jimin.

"YOONGI! YOU BASTARD! WHERE IS MIYOUNG?!" Jimin screams furiously on the other side of the phone. His voice sends shivers down my spine.

"Jimin?" I say shy at his tone.

"Miyoung!?" His voice lights up in excitement.

"I'm going home now, it's going to be two days though..." I say the last thing softly.

"Two days?! I'm going to kill them..." He said with a dangerous tone.

"No don't!" I plead.

"But... Miyoung, they kidnapped you!" Jimin protests.

"I know Jimin, but I'm good and they are bringing me home... Let them go."

Jimin sighs heavily. I'm using my sweet voice that he can't resist trying to save these werewolves' heads.

"Okay..." He finally gives in. I smile happily. "But as soon as they drop you off here I don't want to see them again."

"You won't! bye-bye!" I hang up the phone happily.

Hoseok and Jin sigh in relief.

"Guess it's not time to lose our heads yet." Jin windshield-laughs making me laugh as well.

Yoongi looks at me, he has a big gummy smile on his face.

"Wait!" Hoseok says suddenly. "Are we going to be able to see HeeYoung again?" He asks worriedly.

"Yes!" I answer brightly.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asks furrowing his brows. "Jimin said-"

"Yes, he doesn't want to see you guys, but he didn't say anything about me!"

Yoongi's eyes widen. We all start to laugh.

"Dang, breaking the rules?" Jin jokes.

Even though I don't love Yoongi, I don't see why not. I'm loyal to Jimin and that WILL NEVER CHANGE; if I talk this through Jimin I'm sure he will let me if he comes.

"I might have to bring Jimin though..." I trailed off. 

"That's okay!" Jin says happily. "We can always ignore each other!" I laugh like crazy.

We talk the entire ride. We get to know each other better. All of them tell me stories about myself and all the things I missed over a century.

Jin tells me the time when we met; he tells me how proud of himself he was when I recognize him... apparently, Jin at the time was one of the most famous actors; that is why he had a photo ready to be signed for me when I left.

"You were "lucky" HeeYoung, you know? You got to be sleeping the entire time while the world was in a disaster." Hoseok starts to tell me.

I title my head. "What do you mean?"

"Spanish flu; World War I and World War II; Cold War; economies falling apart..." Yoongi traces off.

"Too many things happened..." Jin laughs.

My eyes widen. I have never thought about it... Now that I know my age... The first thing I do after calming down Jimin is to study history deeply.

"First time I realize I need to study," I say lost in space, they all laugh.

"Hey, the good side is that you are awake now and your memories are coming back," Jin says.

"Eunwoo will be so happy to see you!" Hoseok exclaims.

"Eunwoo..." Yoongi repeats with jealousy.

"Come on Yoongi! We've been over this!" Hoseok laughs.

"Who's Eunwoo?" Yoongi smirks.

"You'll see him if Jimin lets you visit us one day."

Hoseok narrows his eyes to Yoongi but doesn't say anything.

Eunwoo? Guess I'll have to figure it out my self.


A/N- I have been thinking... Should I write an alternative ending for "My hidden mate" In which nothing of this happens? I'll leave it to you!

 Should I write an alternative ending for "My hidden mate" In which nothing of this happens? I'll leave it to you!

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