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What exactly are feeling is? Are these in control of you? Or are you in control on them? Latter one seems more accurate. We are, always be, and will be in


Control of our feelings. Be it anger, hunger, crying or love.

They are hard to distinguish. Are you able to distinguish between hate, love, despair's or anyother sort of emotion? its like a never ending roller coster ride where you get lose or don't even budge from your own thoughts. Right now Shivaay Singh Oberio feels same. He feel


Yep! That is the correct word. This would be able to describe what exactly he is feeling right now. Shivaay Singh Oberio is angusihed right now for the first time. He can't let go this feeing of lossing something that is precious to him. But exactly it is?


He had! None of them is gone. None of them is lost. They are safe and close to him.


He had already. He is the ace of bussiness. Any deal he can crack then what is it ? Is it


That girl? That cheap girl? She had none what he had! No family, no people, no parents, no siblings, no khoon, no Name, No khandaan. But she become someone in his life. That someone become a light in his boring life or more then that. He is going nuts

"Should we say something to him? I mean should we try to console him? Look he is in pain Bhavya" Asked a concern Gauri to Bhavya

"No, sometime we need to let the destiny take its own place Sister-in-law. We can't always decide or say in between someone, specially when it involve two people who are bound by the scared bond "Marriage" " said Bhavya.

"I know Bhavya but I can't see some one so close to me this sad and lost he is the heartbeat of the family! How can i who is given the place as his sister could see my brother in this pain? He is innocent he just got lost himself in the admist of these stupid rules and unrealistic expectations!!" Said Gauri in pain she is feeling equally broken but she knew where the problem lies everyone knew but they choose to ignore. Even in the family.

"Sometime when you take unnecessary baggage especially in family they let you take it. Because they are free from those extra toxic responsibility"

"No, never. We need to control sister in law, Gauri. If we said to him what exactly he is feeling or what he is feel towards Sister-in-law, Anika then he will never ever realise what exactly his feeling is. How much he in love with her. He need to relaise what he is loosing and what he is not treasuring after it was gone" said Bhavya determinly she knows what is going to happen she knows what


They had to pay. But she is ready to do so because she knew if this could bring her Big Brother-in-law in right place so be it. They didn't need to do anything only one thing needs to do things that is


Its ultimatum of everything it will gonna tell because no one not even god know what will be the next move of other person. For her, her Big Sister-in-law


that simple girl had a heart of gold but she is also human she can't take every blame and insult lightly she always lives in

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