The night and the door

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You wake up in a soft bed, draped with feather stuffed blankets, comfortable, warm, and safe. It was a well deserved sleep. You had been up all day caring for your boss's child, whom you've grown quiet attached to. But all day of none stop play grows tiring, and you soon found your nice bed one of your last few places to relax and enjoy some free time. You were doing just that, the sun had yet to rise, when a bone chilling scream echoed through out the house, tearing you from that needed sleep.
Angry that you've been disturbed you pull your pillow over your head, perhaps the mistress had seen a mouse. You happily began to doze off again, but the sudden eerie silence bothers you. No it wasn't silent, not at all. Though no one spoke, you could clearly hear heavy, slow foot steps pacing down the halls. You wished to ignore this, it had to have been the butler, who can get quiet cranky when awoken early. But as the steps grew closer, late night panic and fear began to fill your head. Just to be safe, you get up and locked your door. With a heavy and fresh feeling of doubt and fear you carefully make your way back to bed. For some reason the mattress feels more like it's made of ice and the blankets are now rocks. You eye the door from the once safe bed. Your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting in time to see the handle turn and struggle. A small clatter emerged from behind the door. You froze, not sure if you should get up and see who it was, or stay put and let them pass. The clattering stopped. The heavy footsteps began to fade.
You stared at the door, too frightened to get up and see if you were safe or not. You fall back into your pillow and again try to sleep. But sleep played with you. Nightmares ate at your mind all through out the night, waking you up hourly to strange sounds and odd silences. This only pushed the fear deeper into your head, making it much harder to fall asleep again, and much easier to wake up.
The sun refused to rise, and tired of this sleepless night you finally decide that it was all in your head. You get up, feet trembling with fear and doubt, and make your way to your small wardrobe. you quickly get into some thing much more suitable for walking around outside of your room and make your way to the door, which still remained locked. As you grew closer you could hear heavy breathing. The heavy breathing stopped abruptly the moment you got three feet within the door. It had to have been your mind playing tricks, right? Why work yourself up over something so stupid? Your hand levitated from your side and reached out for the door handle. You wanted to open it and prove to yourself that there was nothing, but your mind had other plans. You froze, tensing wildly. Behind the door you heard a small, low growling. That made up your mind. You slowly and quietly retreated from your door, never turning your back to it as you cautiously climbed back into your bed. Maybe you should wait until the morning.
The sun never did wish to rise. It rested below the hills you'd grown to love and slept soundly. Mean while you stay up, dry eyed and tired, staring at your door. Lightning flashed outside, making you jump. This was going to be a long night.
Just when you fell victim to the rain's lullaby and nearly fell asleep, a small whisper pulled you awake. You listened intently, trying to figure out how close it was. It sounded like it was right in your ear, but you couldn't be sure.
"Follow. Follow. Follow." A tiny voice chanted. You looked up hoping that you were alone. You were, no one was in your room, but the voice was still just as close. Lighting flashed again and for a split second you could have sworn that you saw a small silhouette standing in your now open door. As the thunder sounded, your heart began to beat intensely. You could feel it in the back of your throat. This was going to be a long night indeed.

Yo what's up? This is my first story like this in this format so let me know what you think! It's short, but it might get longer, I got an idea on where it's going, so that's good...right? Well, thanks for reading, Loony out.

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