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Deeper and deeper into the darkness you fled, tripping over knocked over furniture and rumbled up rugs. You struggle over to a wall, blindly feeling your way around it. Upon doing so you find a small orange glow eliminating from not far away.
The light of the dying candle set isolated on a small dust covered wooden desk greeted you in a small and destroyed study room. The child's voice give a tiny giggle, returning to its happy state. The whispers were like the wind, pushing you further into the room and closer to the desk. The whispering began to duplicate and divide, creating a crowd of voices that all pushed you the same way.
You were alarmed and yet strangely drawn to the desk. As if your hands were being forced from your side, you reached out for the candle. But it had run out of its whick, and died before you even touched it. Again you were left alone in the dark, the whispers of the child were now menacing giggles and laughs that bounced off of every wall.
Lightning flashed through a closed window, muffling the roaring thunder that followed. Shadows went to war around you, instantly vanishing. Just faintly, you heard the creaking of unoiled door hinges. You didn't want to look for what caused the door to open, you simply wanted to think it was the wind or perhaps the masters had a cat. Yes, it was just the cat. You shall naw this cat bad kitty. These thoughts eased your jumpy mind, settling the uneasy heart rate you managed to create. Sweat droplets formed on your palms, and you fidgeted with the ends of your night wear. You lightly scolded the cat, laughing quietly. However, you weren't even sure they had a cat. Now hoping that there really was a cat, you summoned the courage to find the creaking door. You felt that you had to.
You blindly felt your way to another door following the walls. You stumbled over objects again and again, hurting your ankle while doing so. You silently mumbled small curses at your pain and what ever it was you tripped over. Finally you found what you thought was just the closet door, and were shocked to see that it lead to a well lit hall way.
This hall, unlike the other, hadn't a window or any bloody mess. It was simply a seemingly endless hall littered with large paintings. The paintings were corrupted and dark. Some were torn, others where scattered on the floor. But it was a much cleaner hall than your hall leading back to the servant's quarters. The carpet was practically kitten therapy for you feet, this of course you appreciated.
"This way....thiiiis way" the voices chanted, urging you further into the large mansion.
You obeyed the voices, but felt uneasy doing so. You stopped, spotting the child at the end of the hall. You could see them now. Their long black hair was rain soaked, along with their clothes. Their hair was long and shabby. They looked like a young servant, but you didn't recognize them in any way. They smiled at you, flashing two rows of perfectly aligned teeth. Their small hand waving you over. How ever, the voices wanted you at the other end of the hall.
You stood still, not sure which to follow. You looked back and forth, finally deciding to duck inside of a room across the hall. You halfway closed the door, letting some light flood into the small and empty room. You could hear footsteps battling over the whispers as they grew closer.
"This way." The voice begged, sounding desperate and disoriented. The footsteps sounded uneven and rushed, as if the child was running at you. Suddenly you got the feeling that the rain soaked child was no friend. Panicked you shut and locked the door.
Across the room you heard the same creaking hinges. This time they were louder and closer.
"This way!" Another voice whispered. Just faintly you could see a small trap door near you. Another child sized figure was inside of the door, beaconing you. They whispered with great urgency and held the trap door open,"this way!" They repeated. Feeling much safer, you fled to the trap door, quickly climbing inside and shutting it. You looked around, but couldn't see the child anywhere.
"Don't look back." They whispered, letting you know that they were still near you. You sighed and peaked through a small crack leading back to the room you fled inside of.
The door opened and you could see several pairs of tiny feet. Most of the feet were bare and bleeding. How ever, one pair had on some pink blood stained slippers, rain soaked. You kept you eyes on those feet only, fearing them as the wandered around the room, confused as to where you went.
"Back away from the door and stay down." The child with you whispered. A tiny and freezing hand grabbed your wrist, pulling you back. You obeyed but still found a way where you could watch the feet. One by one, they began to leave. The last ones to linger were the rain soaked slippers. But these too left, closing the door behind them, taking with them all of the light. You were left in an empty darkness.

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