Part six

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You struggled to catch your breath. You own panting echoing off of the high ceilings and gladly kept you a strange company. You glanced over at the blocked door and sighed. The sight no longer sickened you. You hardly knew the kid and for all you know he could have been one of them. You hated yourself for thinking like that. He was just a kid, but you were too tired to care. You wiped the beads of sweat from your temple and turned away from the door. There was no way in hell that you were going back over there. You scanned the area for a smaller more convenient weapon.
You pushed papers aside and even searched the children. All they had was some broken glass that you would most likely cut yourself on than anything else. It would have been easier to search if there was a bit more light, but then again, you weren't sure you'd be able to stomach the mess you made. You were happy with the dim lighting.
Blindly searching, your hand fell upon the handle of a golf club. The club wasn't in any bad shape, and there really couldn't have been any other thing in the room that would serve you any better. You began to search for a second exit in the room, most large rooms like these have a second exist. You were shocked to find that this one had only one. Regretting ever getting out of bed, you made your way back to the blocked door. Some thing stopped you.
Again, calling in a soft and gentle chant where the mixed whispers of children. These cries sounded so desperate and had a barely noticeable tune to them, doing their beat to lure you over. You stared at the door. It ever so slightly moved. If you waited too long, they'd get in.
With this in your mind you now searched for any other possible way to get out of the room, feeling around the walls for air vents. Your hands stumbled over some sort of leaver. You hesitantly pulled on the leaver, hoping that it wouldn't cause you more problems seeing how you had enough.
The alarming sound of stone easily sliding across stone made you turn to see a small bit of the wall vanish. Your heart froze. You didn't want to go inside, but you felt that you had no other choice. One way had to be better than the other, and you just hoped that this was the right way. You slipped inside of the small crack in the wall. And once it noticed your presence, it shut.
You stood alone for a moment in complete darkness. You drew a trembling breath and pushed yourself onward, freezing in your movements upon an alarming amount of crashes behind you. A small coo made your blood run cold, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. Sweetly like a gentle lullaby they called to you.
"Where are you?" They asked. You couldn't believe your ears and didn't want to. They were dead, didn't they just die outside the door? Was that even them? You moved away from the now blocked off entrance in a startled panic. You turned ever so slightly to find that there was a one way mirror. You looked trough the room with what little light was provided, searching for the boy.
The door had been moved, in fact it lay in a devastated hero on the floor, crushing the two children you killed. However, the boy was not there. The little girl no longer held into the child's head, and she could clearly be seen tightly clutching onto a sharp weapon.
"I'm alright! She didn't get me! Where are you? I'm scared?" She asked, mimicking the boy's voice perfectly. A bit of reassurance filled your mind, perhaps the boy was still alive somewhere! You backed away a bit, still keeping your eyes on the girl as she circled the room in a flurry of confusion as to where you could have gone. Three smaller children appeared in the door.
"Miss, we lost the boy." The middle one said shyly. The girl hissed viciously, earning whimpers and shrieks from the children.
"Find him!" She bellowed. The kids obediently turned on their heels and darted from the door. The girl stood alone for a moment before chuckling,"before I find you three." She cooed, quickly fleeing from the room. Again the whispers picked up, this time, leaving with her.
You found yourself gasping for breath, unaware that you had been holding it. You smile a bit, knowing now that the boy had to be safe. You didn't speak to him much, but being alone here wasn't fun, and you did enjoy what little company he gave. You nodded to yourself for no reason other than that to comfort yourself and calm your rapidly beating heart. You quickly made your way down the cobwebbed and narrow path. It winded down wards, the window now leading to what looked like a large and elegant bathroom. You glanced inside the room, finding that you had a perfect view of inside the shower. Luckily, no one was in the shower, but you couldn't help but feel a little down hearted not finding the boy. You glanced away from the bathroom to the slightly ajar door. You could barely see the hall way which was lightly lit by flashed of lightning. A small child skipped away from you. They vanished but were chased suddenly by an eerie screeching. You winced as the sound tore at your mind, making sure to plant a migraine deep into your skull. You moved on from the bathroom, now seeing a larger bed room.
The room was twice the size of yours, and was clearly better taken care of. Their walls looked as if they had been reprinted recently and the furniture didn't look like it came from a poor man's closet. Judging by the Devore, you assumed the room belonged to a young girl. This wasn't what disturbed you. What you found shocking was the amount of ogre that was splattered all over the place. You could barely make out the limp figure of what once was a human being in a corner on the opposite side of the room, covered in flies. You muffled your gags and quickly pressed on, not sure what else there was for you to do.

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