Part five

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You stared at the open door as the blood ran cold. When did they get in? Did they even get in? Did he do this? You look around for the answers only to find none, making you panic more. If they were here, your best bet would be to get out of here. But was going back a safe move? And where do you go if you go onward?
"What are you doing? They'll get in!" A familiar voice asked. You turn to see the boy bolting over to your side. He hadn't seen any one? Which means...
You flipped around, spinning on your heels. Making her way out of the shelved labyrinth was the rain soaked girl, however, she was no longer rain soaked, but blood bathed. She held onto a little girls hair in one hand, carrying around the decapitated head. The boy tugged on your wrist, pulling you away from the horrific sight.
Your best bet was back, but then again it really wasn't! You found yourself relying on the boy to lead you away from danger, and hope that the two of you could survive.
The rushed steps of the little girl behind you at all times did any thing but calm you down. You picked up your speed, now dragging the boy along behind you. The door wasn't far, but with the girl hot on your tale, you couldn't risk it. To pushed the boy in front of you, shoving him to the door. Quickly you turned and kicked down a large shelf of books, burying her beneath them. Satisfied with the delay you took off after the boy. Again you shut the door.
The two of you wanted to stop and rest, but knowing that she was right there was enough to keep you running. You looked for a window, hoping to simply jump out and flee. Upon finding one your plan crumbled. You stared at the long plummets to angry waves of distraction. The storm would never let you swim to safety. And if you didn't cut yourself to death while breaking the glass, then you would certainly die landing on one of the many sharp rocks waiting for you. Shit.
You look around, startled to find yourself alone. Where did the boy go? The door threw itself open followed by an agonized screaming of a girl. The child ran at you, still clutching onto the hair of a victim. Alarmed you ran to the closest door, running into the pitch black room. As the door closed, it fell from its hinges, blocking the exit. This pushed some confidence in your mind, but the sound of movement behind you was happy to restore the fear and paranoia lodged in your mind. you flipped around, scanning your surroundings for what ever it was that moved. You made your way over the mess, taking mental notes of where hinges were in an event where things moved.
A scuffle closer to you now made you jump and back into a tipped over sofa. Your tired and sore eyes searched furiously for the movement, hoping that it was all in your head.
You were distracted by a loud pounding on the door. You quickly backed away from it. A small voice easily carried through the dead air and over to your lying ears.
"Let me in! Please! She'll get me! Let me in! Please!" The voice begged, crying out loudly. Startled by it, you ran over, desperately trying to remove the busted door. The noise stopped abruptly. All movement ceased. You stopped. A familiar liquid began to seep onto the floor, reaching your bare feet.
You struggled to hold back the urge to hurl all over the place, forcing yourself away from the door. You stared wide eyed at the pooling blood, mortified with the sight.
You let out a startled scream as small hands latched onto your ankles and tried to drag you to the ground. Panicked, you kicked them away. Your hand flew to the thin handle of a tall lamp. You instantly beat the hands away, along with the children they were attached to. You beat them again and again till they stopped moving and you were sore and tired. Panting you tossed the lamp aside, disgusted by the amount of blood that now soaked it.
What the fuck was going on?

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