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Check out my new story 'Arcade'! Taehyung and Y/N both lose someone special in their lives, causing them to be drawn to each other. However, they might end up playing a rather dangerous game...



I sit myself down on the bleachers next to Sunmi and Hyejin, anxiously awaiting the teams to come out of the catacombs. They just finished warming up and have headed back inside now, meaning they can come out at any moment now.

The cheerleaders are getting the crowd hyped up in the mean time, dancing around and doing their routines. I must say, it's entertaining to watch. The way they seem so excited and hyped up, genuinely happy to be there.

My eyes are focussed on Soyeon tho, and I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't help but feel jealous of her looks. Her body, her moves, her face, everything is truly perfect, not counting her personality obviously.

I divert my gaze to the pitch again, hearing the crowds erupt in cheers and chants. The cheerleaders start to chant our university's chant and the entire crowd sings along, making me gasp with amazement. I've never been to these soccer matches before, even though I really like the sport and know a thing or two about it.

It just never seemed attractive enough to watch it live when I could watch it from my tv, but much better players as well. But for Tae, I'd do anything and I would love to be here. Now that moment has finally come, I don't regret it for a single minute, and the game hasn't even started yet.

The players walk up to the pitch in two perfect rows right next to the opposing team. I try to spot Taehyung and I see him walking all the way in the back of the line-up, most likely because he's the captain.

I smile to myself as I spot him, standing up to cheer for him and the team. I wave and jump, a sudden wave of happiness hitting me right there in this moment. The players line up right next to each other and start to shake hands.

For a moment, Tae's eyes meet mine and I see him smile, blowing me a kiss. I blush and pretend to catch it, making him chuckle. He soon turns serious again as everyone takes their positions on the pitch, he's focussed now. We all wait in patience as the whistle gets blown and the ball gets kicked.

I try to follow the game as good as I can, but my eyes constantly drift to Tae, watching him run and work his butt off on that pitch. I'm already so proud of him, he looks very handsome when he's playing, and he's really good too!!

Time passes and the team is playing really well, although I see some tension on the pitch. Some guys are not passing to each other, missing chances here and there, causing irritation in the team.

Soon, we reach the end of the first half as the whistle is blown. I sigh as it's still 0-0 whilst it could have been 3-0 if certain people didn't mess up passing the ball to each other. Tae played really well, I'm already extremely proud of him, but I know he's going to be grumpy right now.

They walk off the pitch back into the dressing rooms, getting ready for the second half and discussing the strategy and what went wrong in the first half. I spot Tae and he locks eyes with me, smiling at me and waving happily, even though I know he's not.

I return the smile and wave back, making a thumps up to him, my way of wishing him luck for the second half and the discussion that's going to go down in the dressing room. I sigh and sit down again, checking my phone in the mean time.

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