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Check out my new story 'Arcade'! Taehyung and Y/N both lose someone special in their lives, causing them to be drawn to each other. However, they might end up playing a rather dangerous game...



I groan in frustration as I toss my phone on the couch next to me, ignoring the constant ringing that keeps coming from the device. I know my friends and specifically Taehyung have been trying to reach me but I need to clear my mind for a moment.

I really want to believe that all of this was a lie and none of it was true, that it perhaps just was a bad dream. Unfortunately, this is real, just as real when I found out Sehun was sleeping with Irene, the worst memory I carry with me every single day.

Perhaps I was too biased to judge, immediately thinking the worst without actually contemplating that Soyeon could be lying, but I can't afford to get hurt again, I don't want to go through that painful memory again.

I splash more paint on the canvas as I'm doing what I do best, pouring my pain and thoughts into art. I hate confrontation, I don't want to face the real world right now, but the world I've created in here for myself isn't real, in fact, it has become a place filled with pain and sorrow as most of the memories made in this place were me crying over something that happened.

It used to be my happy place, a place I could escape to when I needed to, but now I associate it with my pain, knowing if I go here I'm suffering, like I'm weak.

I sigh as I stare at the painting I just made, a smile creeping up on my face. Even tough most of the memories aren't good, this one most certainly is. I realise this isn't perhaps the pace to stay, a breath of fresh air might be what I need right now.

I stand up and collect my stuff before walking towards the door to head out for a walk. Once I open the door, a figure is standing in front of it, scaring the life out of me.



Taehyung POV

I walk across the pavement as I start to feel nervous. I'll be facing Y/N in a couple of minutes but I'm not entirely sure what I'll find once I see her. What if she doesn't even want to see me? What if she's done with me and everything that comes with our relationship? What if she's leaving me?

I sigh heavily as I brush my hand through my hair. I shouldn't be thinking like this, I need to be determined to fight for the one girl I love. There isn't anyone else for me, I can't imagine myself with anyone else.

I start to fasten my pace as I feel motivation, determination and passion run through my veins. No one is taking Y/N away from me. Not some crazy ex, not some salty teammates and most certainly not a slut like Soyeon.

I'm not losing the girl I love over girls who can't seem to grow up and accept the fact that I'll choose love over lust anytime, always.

I reach her studio building and quickly make my way up. I remember the first time I came here, how we confessed to each other and slept with each other that night, one of the best nights of my life. A smile creeps up to my face thinking about it.

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