9. Give them a chance

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"YOU SLY LITTLE BITCH!" I awoke to loud screaming downstairs. I was still so tired seeing how I didn't get much sleep. I stood up and ran down the stairs not even bothering to get ready. Freddy and Jason were standing in the living room yelling at each other. Well Freddy was yelling Jason just stood there.

"YOU TRIED TO GET CLOSE WITH Y/N WHY WE WERE SLEEPING? YOU THINK YOU ARE SOOO SMART AND SPECIAL DON'T YA? WELL DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOUR MOMMY SAYS!" Freddy insults causing my eyes to go wide. Jasons fist collided with Freddy's jaw. "BITCH!" Freddy shouts holding his mouth. My hand flew over my mouth.

Freddy swung at Jason trying to slash him, but Jason dodged. The fighting continued me standing there unsure how this all started. I jumped when I felt hands on my shoulders.

"Y/N maybe we should just go upstairs this might get a little violent" I heard the familiar voice of Hannibal say. I shook my head in protest.

"N-no we need to stop this! STOP!" I shouted getting out of Hannibal's grip. I pushed Freddy away so I could stand between them and braced myself for any type of hit I could get. Nothing came though.

"Y/N, why were you up talking to hockey puck all night?" Freddy asked. I straightened my posture.

"I wasn't up all night talking to him. I couldn't sleep so I came downstairs to get some food and I accidentally woke him so we talked and that's it and the I went to sleep. It's nothing to fight over" I said calmly. I really don't want a fight to break out I stopped it last tine, but got a nasty gash in my shoulder that still hasn't healed and it could end up something worse if they continue fighting.

"Really? Just talking? He tried to get you to say you loved him! And was playing the innocent card" Freddy said in anger glaring at Jason who glared right back.

"First of all, how do you know this! Were you evesdropping because if you were you are even worse!" I accusef with my finger pointed at him. He smirked and put my hand down.

"No, I didn't. I looked through the little notebook you gave him" He said. I gave him a look of shock.

"Like that's better! That's snooping! His notebook is his private property and you shouldn't be looking through it! So why don't you stop making such a big fuss over shit that doesn't need to be fussed over because you're making everybody mad!" I said with my arms crossed doing my best to look intimidating.

"Oh whatever" He said rolling his eyes. I smirked I won't this fight. His eyes trailed down and then back up my body. He smirked. I turned around to walk away, but he grabbed his sweater that I was wearing and pulled me back. "You look very good in my clothes, but it would look much better on the floor" He said with a flirty smile. My cheeks flushed red.

"Gotta agree with him on that" Chucky said with a laugh. Kayako pulled me out of his arms and glared at Freddy.

"Thanks" I said and she nodded. Jason handed me his notebook.

Did you see my present?

"Present? What present?" I asked. He grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs everyone walking with us. I walked into my room and noticed the walls were covered in picture of my family and friends. It was I think every picture I own. He pointed over at the dressed. There was a glass tank. I walked over to it...my snake. Midnight. She was a gorgeous black color and I have had her for so long. I smiled taking her out of her tank. She wrapped herself around my area in a loving manner. I smiled and softly pet her scaled.

I heard a light 'meow'. I looked over at my bed. Sitting on my bed was my cat, Sanka. His orange and white fur with his beautiful hazel eyes. I looked over to Jason.

"How?" Was all I said. He handed me his notebook.

Last night you told me you missed your friends and family. You also said you missed your pets so once you were asleep I started to do this

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. I hugged him with one arm since the other one had Midnight wrapped around it.


"Maybe that is how you get a girl! You be sweet and do nice things for her! Maybe I should by you a notebook too so you can take notes" I suggested with a sarcastic smile. Everyone began laughing.

"Good one" Pennywise said practically dying of laughter.

*Time skip*

I was sitting alone in my room enjoying the company of my pets. It seemed they missed me too as Sanka wouldn't leave my side and Midnight stayed wrapped around my arm. I looked up when the door opened. Carrie was standing there.

"Hey!" She exclaimed. I smiled and put Midnight back in her tank. I sat on the bed and she sat next to me.

"So I just wanted to apologise," She said. "You know for everything that's happened. You have been nothing but amazing to us and we repay you like this" Carrie sighed.

"Well, I was never one to hold a grudge," I smiled and nudged her lightly causing her to smile. "I have a question"

"Go on" She nodded.

"That night at the highschool...prom night" She stiffened up at the mention of that night. "You know that I didn't go to prom and I just wanna know if I did go...would you have killed me too?"

"No" She said immediatly.

"Carrie listen. I want you to think about this carefully and answer honestly" I said and she nodded. She stared at the door and 2 or 3 minutes later she looked to me.


"Carrie...please answer hones-" She cut me off.

"Do you want me to say yes or something! I am thinking carefully and answering honestly I would not have killed you. And I never will and don't ask me why you know why...it's because I love you. We all do some of us just don't know how to show it so give us a chance you'd be surprised how much w actually care" Carrie says with so much truth in her voice. She walks out of the room and I sit there thinking as my cat Sanka lied on my lap.

I'd be surprised how much they care if I just...give them a chance

The Psychopath's Girl (YANDERE! Slashers x NURSE! SHY! Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now