4. The Reveal

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- Fudge announces Sirius' innocence and grants full custody of his godson.

- They escort Pettigrew along with Remus Lupin and McGonagall to Professor Dumbledore's office


Upon reaching the office, they saw Dumbledore already waiting for them with a vial of the truth serum. They bound Pettigrew to a chair and revived him. Once he woke up, he started shaking violently when he saw Sirius, Remus, Harry and the others staring at him. Even before he could open his mouth to defend himself, Remus and Sirius forced his mouth open while Dumbledore poured the serum into his mouth. Once the potion started taking effect, Fudge started questioning him,

"What is your name?"
"Peter Randall Pettigrew"

"Were you the Potter's Secret Keeper?"

"Did you frame Sirius Black, an innocent man, as the mass - murderer for the crimes you committed?"

"To escape conviction"

"Are you an illegal animagus?"

"What is your form?"
"A common garden rat."

Post this question, the effect of the serum wore out. The whimpering death eater started crying once he heard that he was to be handed over to the dementors for the Dementor's Kiss. The aurors whisked him away after handing over the release papers to Sirius and after wishing the latter good luck, even the minister left.

Sirius then turned to Harry and spoke "Pup, why don't you go to your dorm and pack your stuff. I'll wait for you here, after which we'll go to my childhood home before we go house hunting." Harry nodded with a huge grin on his face and took off towards the Gryffindor house common room.

With all his things packed and ready to leave, Harry asked the headmaster "Sir, can I ask you something?" "Yes, my boy, what is it?" "I was the last Horcrux to get destroyed right?" Dumbledore nodded. "When Voldemort cast the killing curse on me, I went to this crossroad where I met my parents. You know how horrible it is to live with the Dursleys. So... Um... I kinda Um... pulledbothofthemwithme before I woke up again in the graveyard." "Sorry, I didn't catch that." "I kinda pulled both of them with me."

Since there is no mentioned middle name for Pettigrew, I've decided to give him a middle name of my own just so that all the four marauders had three letter initials.

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