88. Teaching them Quidditch

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Harry comes back home for Christmas.

James and Lily adopt the twin girls.


Lunch was an enjoyable affair. Just like last year, Sirius and Marlene, the Lupins and the Weasleys moved in for Christmas. But it was after lunch that made Harry and James jump around in excitement. Kiara and Aquila approach Harry with innocent faces. "Dad, Harry." "Yes, Girls?" asked Harry, as James too looked at them. "Could you teach us how to play quidditch?" they asked together.

Lily heard this and came over. "Is it Quidditch that I just heard?" she asked. "Yes mum. We wanted Harry and Dad to teach us how to play." Said Aquila. "Lily?" said James with an expectant look. She had to give in. "Okay. But what about the brooms?" she asked. "Dad and I will be using our firebolts. Dad, for the girls?" asked Harry.

"Don't worry. I've already planned it out" he said, and went towards the library, where he had hidden the two brooms. He came back with them and held it out towards the girls. The girls hugged James and took the brooms and were about to jump on it when Lily interjected. "Not inside. Your brother and father will teach you how to ride properly outside. Get your winter jackets and run to the pitch."

The girls ran in an inhumane speed and got their jackets. They even managed to get James' and Harry's as well on the way. The four of them were soon found in the quidditch pitch, flying.

Leo, Jacob and Spencer too saw them flying and asked whether they could go too. James had gotten the boys too and they had already learnt to fly. And at that time, the girls were quite scared. But they got over it when they had gone to see Harry play Slytherin.

Dorcas and Marlene let the boys join them and soon, the party at the quidditch pitch was joined by Sirius, Marlene and Charlus on their respective brooms.

Charlus was a seeker for Gryffindor House back when he was studying at Hogwarts. So, when he found out that Leo had the talent to be a seeker, Harry's help was sought out and the two of them taught the younger boy the basics of being a seeker.

Fred and George were helping Sirius train Spencer and Jacob to become future beaters, while Marlene and James trained the girls Kiara and Aquila to be ace chasers.

Charlus asked Harry to stay back on his broom when the others went back in. Then he went on to teach his grandson more complex moves that a seeker should know while playing the game.

Lily hadn't seen her father in law play. So, she decided to watch him teach Harry a few tricks. She was horrified when she saw the moves Charlus was teaching Harry, but was calmed down by the assurances that Remus and Dorea gave her about them being safe even when they're doing dangerous stunts.

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