67. The Results

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Harry and Neville celebrate their 16th birthday.


On the 1st of August, two owls flew in through an open window and dropped letters carrying the Ministry of Magic seal on it. "Our OWLs results came in." said Harry, as he opened his letter with trembling hands. "So have our NEWTs results." Added Angelina.

All the students who had written their OWLs, opened their letters to see the results. Everyone had got the grades that they wanted, which mostly consisted of 'Exceeds Expectations' and 'Outstanding'. Harry was elated when he saw his results. He was choosing all the subjects that he needed for the choice of careers that he was going to choose from. The contents of his letter were thus,

Dear Mr. Potter,

Please find enclosed a copy of your Ordinary Wizarding Level final grades.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your efforts throughout this academic year and in completing your OWLs with clearance from Anti – Cheating Quills and Anti – Cheating Spells. We hope that you have received the grades you require for your preferred subjects at NEWT level.

Your subject professors will be happy to discuss your options with you on return to school.

Good Luck with your future studies.

Sd/- Griselda Marchbanks


Wizarding Examination Authority

Education Department

Ministry for Magic

Harry took the envelope from the table and removed the other sheet of parchment from it.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results


Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Average (A)


Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)

Harry James Potter has achieved

Ancient Runes – O

Arithmancy – O

Astronomy – O

Care of Magical Creatures – O

Charms – O

Defense Against the Dark Arts – O

Herbology – O

History of Magic – O

Potions – O

Transfiguration – O

Everyone, including Harry, were gaping at the results. Straight O's in all the subjects he had written. Everyone congratulated him and gave him hugs. They also demanded a party for his results, which he gladly agreed to give. All of them decided to write to their respective heads of house regarding the subjects they were going to take up for their NEWTs.

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