40. The Blood Quill - 2

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Harry has his first detention with Umbridge and Snape observes how worryingly thin his best friend's son is. So, he asks Harry to stay back after a potions class.


Once everyone leaves, he locks the door and cast privacy wards on it. He then confronts Harry. "What's wrong Harry? You're not you these days. Any problems?" he asked with a concerned expression. "Nothing Uncle Sev. It's just the amount of studies we have this year." He lied. "If it's just the studies, then why is it that you spend too many detentions with Umbridge? And I've noticed that your left hand is bandaged ever since your first detention with her. Let me see it."

Harry paled at this. He tried evading this task. "No, it's fine Uncle Sev. I just cut myself with a quill sharpener." "A quill sharpener cannot cut you at the palm or the back of your hand. It's only the fingers. I can see that your fingers are in tip top condition. Give. Me. Your. Hand. I'll feel better if I see the extent of your injury myself." he counteracted and took hold of his honorary nephew's wrist.

He gently took off the bandaged and inhaled sharply when he saw what he saw. The phrase 'I must not tell lies' was etched in very deep, probably to the bone and the words nearly merged into each other. His blood was boiling and his mind was in a turmoil. He directed Harry to sit on one of the benches in the class and went to his personal stores to get some Murtlap Essence.

Once he dipped Harry's hand into the bowl, he asked "Did Umbridge do this to you?" Harry had his eyes trained to his other hand on his lap, but didn't give any answer. Snape placed a finger under his chin and lifted his face and look into his eyes and asked again sternly "Tell me Harry James. Did. She. Do. This.?" Harry knew he couldn't hold back against his honorary uncle anymore. His shoulders sagged and he answered "Yes. It was Umbridge."

This was it. Harry saw nothing but red when he heard the answer. But he kept himself calm and noticed that the boy's hand had healed a bit in the half an hour they were sitting there. "Let's go to the hospital wing. I'll write a note to Professor Flitwick informing him why you didn't attend his class today." Harry nodded and both of them got up to leave. "Uncle Sev, what if that toad gives me another detention for skipping classes?" Harry asked. "She won't give you any. I'll make sure of it." He replied.

The rest of the walk was silent. They thankfully hadn't encountered her on their way to the hospital. Upon reaching, Severus called out to Poppy and showed him Harry's hand.

JILY - AN UNEXPECTED RETURNOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora