93. The Award

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The Death Eaters of the Inner Circle (Except for Severus Snape) were rounded and taken away to the Ministry holding cells.


When revealed, they found out that it was Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe Jr., Gregory Goyle Jr. and Pansy Parkinson who helped the death eaters into Hogwarts. Hence, they were suspended from Hogwarts and their wands were snapped so as to prevent them from harming anyone in anyway.

Once Shadowpaw turned back to Harry, he was engulfed into a hug by James, Sirius and Remus. Charlus and Lyall stayed a little back and were talking to each other. "I must say that your grandson is getting moulded into a very brave man, Mr. Potter. From what Remus told me, he was abused by Lily's sister and her family till he left their house in his holidays before his fourth year, wasn't he?"

Charlus nodded. "He hasn't had a normal year ever since he was born. James and Lily told Dorea and myself about a prophecy that was made by Sybill Trelawney about him defeating Voldemort. There was another boy who could've been chosen if it wasn't Harry."

"Who is it?" asked Lyall. "Neville Longbottom. And call me Charlus, Mr. Lupin." "Only if you call me Lyall."

The Potter Patriarch and the Lupin Patriarch walked over to the bunch of youngsters and told them to escort the group of children who had fought against the death eaters to the infirmary to check up on their injuries.

When they reached, Lily and Dorea all but ran towards Harry and smothered him into a hug. They had left the kids back at home as Andromeda agreed to babysit.

Just after Harry got patched up and was ready to leave, the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge came in with Amelia Bones, the head of the DMLE and Rufus Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror Forces trailing behind him.

"Mr. Potter, would you mind me talking to you for a minute?" the Minister asked Harry. "Only if you allow the head of my house to accompany me." Replied Harry, to which the minister agreed. James nodded and Charlus went with him.

"Mr. Potter, I have decided to award you with Order of Merlin, First Class for handing over those masked criminals whom we had been searching for over the past year and for killing You-Know-Who two years ago in that graveyard."

Harry's jaw dropped for a moment, but he quickly recovered. Charlus too was surprised. "I need a moment with my grandfather, Minister." He said. Fudge agreed and took a few steps back to give them their privacy. "You should accept it, Harry" said Charlus. "But Papa, I don't think I deserve this. I just did what I had to do." Said a nervous Harry.

"Harrison James Potter, I know that you just did what you have to do. But, all of us who came back alive, was also due to you partially. If you hadn't been enrolled in that dratted tournament, we wouldn't have come back to life. I'm not compelling you, but think it over."

Harry thought for a moment and said "I'll accept it. But I'll give the cash prize to Weasley Twins for their Joke Shop. I had already given my Triwizard winnings to them so that they can get start off with their production line. So that makes me a partial owner. But I never wanted to own that place since it's their venture." Charlus nodded at this and the duo told their answer to the Minister.

"Why did he call you?" asked Ginny.

JILY - AN UNEXPECTED RETURNOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora