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Aphrodite's PoV

  How could she kiss him then shrug it off as if it was normal! Wasn't she the Goddess of Maiden? Took an oath to remain a virgin?

  "How dare you Artemis!" I yelled at her garnering the attention of the council. "To kiss a man in the presence of the council."

  "That was an accident!" She denied, but the blush tells differently.

  "Oh really? A 3 seconds kiss is an accident? Oh please, incase you forget, I'm the goddess of love. Not the goddess of stupidity." I told her fiercely.

  "What's it to you anyway?" She told me, directing the subject to me. Hmph, I prepared myself for this argument for many years. Even Athena can not beat me in this.

  "Lady Hera, have you remembered your promise when you married me to your son?" I asked Hera who was then thinking.

  "Well I remembered when I promised you that I will absolve your marriage with Hephaestus when you find someone you will truly give your heart." Hera said while scratching her chin. "I made it as a joke since I knew that you would never be serious with anyone." She added amusely.

  The other Olympians watched our interactions like a court in session, and they were only spectators.

  "But still, you took an oath to the river styx to fulfill it." By now Hera was already understanding what I meant and so did Athena who was listening intently.

  "Why was I not given the same option, mother?" Hephaestus eyed his mother with grudge.

  "Oh shut it Hephaestus! Now, what do you mean Aphrodite?" Demeter who was at my side asked me curiously.

  "I am ready for a serious relationship."

  Everyone was shocked at my statement, even Artemis.

  "And I wish to fall inlove with Perseus." I added.

  "WHAT! I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS!" Ares, obviously angered by my decisions.

  "What's it to you? Should you not be happy instead that I am finally going to be faithful to a single man?" I told him, lacing my voice with a slight tone of anger to emphasize my point.

  "You have mistaken me for Artemis or Hera. I don't care if your faithful, what I want is for you to be mine!" Ares demanded, and I got ticked off. And so did Hera. And so did my rival Artemis.

  "You shouldn't objectify the women, Ares." Hera said in a very cold and sinister way.

  "Unless you want some arrows up your arse." Artemis added causing Ares to shrink.

  "Now back to me, since Ares now knows his place." I said, standing up my throne and went near Percy.

  "I have been watching Perseus for the last five years and a month. I have seen him with a broken heart due to one of my offsprings and could not do anything about it. I have seen him get disowned by his mortal parents. I have seen him rummage for food in the dumpsters, " I paused to breath and let my words sink for a while then continued. "I guided him to the back of the lobby of the dead where he met Hades and Hestia. I have helped him with his nightmares regarding that wretched camp, and I have helped him recover from his broken heart without him knowing."

  The council was agape at what I broke to them. Hades and Hestia could not believed what I just said and Artemis was nervous about me, her new rival.

  "Why go this far for one demigod Aphrodite?" Athena asked.

  "I have loved him since he was thirteen, but I knew it was still too soon." I said while stroking the head of Percy. "I was planning on expressing my feelings to him when he was older so I joked to him to make his lovelife full of twist but Eros, the Primordial of Love, did me dirty. He fulfilled my joke and applied it to me as well."

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