The Morning After

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I woke up in my bed to banging on my door. Beadle must've took me home after I passed out. I slowly walked to the door, answered it, it was Father.

"Morning sunshine."

"Morning Father, what are you doing this early in the morning?"

"May I come in, I would like to speak to you."

I let him in.

"Beadle told me you were at the pub last night, your head must be throbbing."

"Yes sir, it is."

He slapped me, out of nowhere!

"What'd you do that for!?" I yelled.

"You drunken tramp!" He hissed.

"What did I do, that was wrong last night?"

"You tried to seduce Beadle!"

"I did no such thing Daddy I swear!"

"I believe the Beadle."

"He told you that!? We all know he's a lying weasel!"

He slapped me again!

"Daddy, please, my head hurts."

"You should've thought about that before-"

"Judge Turpin!"

We turned around, it was Mr. Todd!

"Mr. Todd," I said smiling.

"Miss. Turpin, everything alright?"

"I was just talking with my father, Mr. Todd, I'm fine."

"Oh yes Mr. Todd, she's just fine and dandy."

Father turned to me.

"We will talk later darling."

He lightly hugged me and kissed me on the forehead, and left. As soon as Father closed the door behind him, I hugged Mr. Todd.

"Mr. Barker I'm so glad you're here," I whispered.

"I heard em hit you, all the more reason to slit his throat."

"He has this idea I flirted with Beadle Bamford, I was at the pub and Beadle saw me there and we talked, it's all. I didn't do anything a tramp would."

"I believe you Savannah. We will kill him, I promise you. But for now, let's get him out of your head shall we. I have an idea, let's take a trip down memory lane, do you remember me and Lucy taking you to the opera house for your 8th birthday?"

"Yes I do."

"Let's go tonight."

"Oh Mr. Barker, that's very sweet. You're not asking me out are you?"

"No, I'm not, I was older than you are now when you were a child! I just wanted a chance to be my old self again."

"You already are, since I finally recognized you. You may have changed but deep down you're still Benjamin Barker."

He smiled, not just a smirk he always gave, a bright genuine smile, like he felt happy for the first time in fifteen years.

"Let's avenge you, get the Beadle and bring em to the shop, then later...the opera."


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