Lectures and Unanswered Questions

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Mason's POV

"Are you trying to make me grow old? Seriously Mason? Getting arrested?" My mom throws her hands in the air, pacing around the dining room.

My eyes are focused on Maya, who's sitting cross legged on the floor in the living room, focusing on a book. She's been staring at the same page for over two minutes now so I know she's not actually reading.

"I was so stressed, driving to the police station because apparently, my son is a criminal!"

Maya was unusually quiet during our car ride back. Even when my mom spoke to her, she only hummed her replies or nodded. As for me, she's avoided even looking at me.

"I'm clearly losing you, Mason. I thought I had done my best as a parent but clearly the absence of a male figure in your life is having a bad effect."

I look down at the wooden table when my mom says that. I don't want her to doubt herself, to ever think she wasn't enough as a parent.

"You know what, I can't even trust you anymore. I thought I could leave you here for the summer and take Angie and Oliver to your aunt. Clearly I can't do that anymore."

"What?" I jerk my head up. "Mom you have to go."

"Why? So that you can continue doing God knows what in my house?"

"No, mom I don't want you changing your plans because of me. It'll also break Angie's heart."

Mom's younger sister, aunt Bethany, owns a farm that Angie loves visiting. We usually go there during the summer. This year, mom was finally going to leave me behind.

"I'll make it up to her." She puts her hands on her hips and stops moving. "Mason I can't leave you here after today."

"Mom, didn't you hear the detective? I didn't do anything."

"Sure, he said that but that doesn't mean you're innocent of other things. You're always out at night and look at your face."

She sighs and pulls out a chair then sits down. She buries her face in her hands and remains silent.

For the first time since my mom started talking to me, Maya looks up at us. She stares at my mom, sympathy written all over her face.

"I don't even have time to do this." My mom sits up; she looks tired. "I have to go pick up the kids."

She takes her car keys and heads out.

"Banks?" I get up and go to the living room.

Maya looks up at me but doesn't say anything. I stand next to her, looking down at her expressionless face. I don't know what to say.

I sit down next to her and she closes her book.

"I'm sorry." That's all I can manage to say. Honestly, I don't even know what to apologise for anymore. If it's not this mess, it's that one.

She doesn't say anything, just sighs and puts her book on the coffee table in front of us.

"Is that what you guys deliver?"


"Guns." She takes a deep breath. "Do you guys deliver guns?"


"No, no. There's no need to explain. Just answer me."

"Yes." I look down.

She remains quiet for about a minute and I don't want to look up at her. When I finally do, her eyes are brimming with tears.

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