Wake me up when Chuseok ends III

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The leaves start to fly again on one of the bus stop and I rush down to follow it. I keep my eyes high above me. I didn't even bother to check in what town I'm in and I just keep on walking until a person passed through my body. I didn't mind it since my non-existing existence doesn't bother me or anyone.

The noise around me starts to grow and the number of people walking pass through me is increasing. I took a moment to look at my surrounding and see I'm in an open market. Vendors are on both sides of the street I'm standing in. I feel uneasy realizing I lost the sight of the leaves and my mouth falls open, overwhelmed thinking the number of people that I have to check if they can see me. Then the thought hit me.

"Anyeonghaseyo Yeoroboon!" I shout on the top of my lungs. I look around but not a single soul look at my direction. Okay, this will be easy, I thought to myself and keep shouting around the market.

The three pieces of leaves fly in front of me again and I followed it with no hesitation. One of the leaves landed on a middle aged lady's shoulder wearing an off white dress. I got excited and greeted her. "Anyeong!" She look up but did not look at me. Instead she crane her neck on both sides of her direction as if waiting for someone. I called out again to make sure she's just not ignoring me.

I rest my thumb and index under my chin, standing beside the lady as I look at her; she had an autumn leaf on her shoulder, yet she cannot see me? The wind blows and the leaf is still stuck on her shoulder but the other two leaves I'm following was taken by the wind.

I decide to disregard the stuck leaf and follow the other two. After moments of following the aimless leaves, one got stuck on a store signage of bakery supplies. I look around in front of the store and sense no one could still see me. I pace in circle for a moment before I glued my eyes back on the leaf above. People come and go in the store to buy something but no sign of someone could be saving me.

The leaf on the signage is stuck as well so when the wind blew again, I ended up following the last leaf. A sense of fear starts to crawl under my skin as I follow the last string of my fate. I got out of the market and walk on a empty street with my head filled with unanswerable questions.

The leaf entered a premise that looks familiar. I'm back in Suwon again. I felt uneasy but not suprised. Its high walls stretch up to a far distance, guarding the whole center of the town. I walk further and stood in a vast open space; to my right is where a palace is sitting with elegance and strength. I stop for a moment and felt the familiar stir inside me. It happens every time I go to this place. It's like bringing me to the past but seeing the leaf flying softly on the passing wind, I knew I'm still in the same year.

Flashbacks. A memory suddenly played right before my eyes. 

Hwaseong is fortress is yet to be completed.

I visited the town of Suwon.

I went to a Palace.

I bow my head in front of the King.

I stood under a tree and pick up a piece of crisp brown leaf.

I let it be taken by the wind from my hands.

Someone put her hand over mine and we lock our fingers together.

I never had this glimpse of my memory before and I feel something welling in my eyes. Why was I in Suwon that time? And who's hand I was holding? I might not remember everything now but I know inside me, something has awaken. I probably am close to ending my misery and a light of hope ignites in my chest.

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