Wake me up when Chuseok ends V

31 4 19

Day 4


'Why her?'

I cannot remember how many times I asked myself this question since the first night she saw me and every time I reached a conclusion, I've always come to an agreement with myself that it's nice knowing it's been her.

I look at her as she walks on the side of this vacant street, towards her grandma's shop. I remember that night the first time I saw her, as I stood on this same spot where I am right now. It's hard to stifle a laugh remembering the first thing I hear after almost an eternity is a voice of a girl scolding me. But it felt like a song with a soft melody. After a long time I felt so many things I didn't know I was still capable of feeling.

I felt fear.

What if she doesn't wake up from a heart attack after seeing me? So I stayed with her. Just in the dark corner of her room, making sure that I won't cause her more burden than I already had.

But the longer I stayed, the heavier I felt inside.

She can't sleep. My fingers weren't enough to count how many times she tried to calm herself down and even out her breathing. I want to reach for her. I want to tell her I won't harm her at any cost but I know showing up again on that same night would only make things worst.

When at last she fell sleep, I pull her blanket higher to cover her up. I stayed on the same corner until her alarm went off. I walk silently, close to her bed and waited for her to open her eyes. It was too late when I realized I was too close.

I can sense her eagerness to make me go away and it's uncanny because that same idea is what I've been hoping for, yet it derails me knowing there are only two outcomes that could happen this Chuseok; either I will succeed with her help and cross the afterlife or I'll fail and go back to sleep. But whichever happens, it will come to an end.

If I fail and wake up the next year, will I still remember these same deep set eyes looking straight into mine right now? Will she still remember how she smiles timidly at me just now?

"Why so serious?" Her soft tone broke my thoughts.

"Hey, we still have plenty of time. Are you losing hope now?" She look at me more intently and I took a deep breath then conceal my sigh with a smile.

"I don't think there's anything else left for me to lose." I almost choke at my own words right there and then. I averted my eyes from her, silently hoping I won't regret anything I just said.

"That's the spirit!" She beams.

"Yes indeed, that's all I am." I mused, bringing my eyes back at her. We look at each other in a moment of silence before we burst out into laughter.

"Y/N?" She froze upon hearing her name. I glance passed her shoulder and saw the confused look on her grandma's face. She immediately bring her cellphone against her ear and said, "Yep, I'll call you later. Bye!" Then turn on her heel to greet her grandma.

I can't help but laugh loudly.

I follow their steps into the shop, still laughing which earned me a glare from her when her grandma was not looking. I walk around the shop in silence. Just watching as people come and go; as she greets everyone with a smile; as she periodically glance in my direction with an expression I cannot read yet seems eerie familiar.

When did I feel anything familiar?

"It feels like the shop is a little quiet today, Halmoni. Don't you think?" She said in a deadpan tone while sitting on a chair in front of her grandma's table.

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