Chapter 14

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Adam had thought he had ditched Assad when he closed his apartment door and slid down the door. He was sitting down and breathing heavily, feeling his heart beating against his chest as he tried to calm down.

"Damn it," he cursed under his breath in frustration as he closed his eyes and balled his fists. "God, damn it."

The surrounding area—the kitchenette and the living room just a meter away were silent. The white noise pierced Adam's ears, not helping his escalating thoughts that kept calling him every bad name under the sun for being such a horn dog.

He was thinking, staring up at the ceiling and he had his head pressed his hair against the front door as he sucked on his bottom lip, face still hot as an oven.

It was during this time that he heard a knock on the door. At first, Adam thought he had imagined it, but after a few more knocks followed he panicked and scrambled off the floor. He stood at the door, knowing that it couldn't be anyone but Assad on the other end. Adam narrowed his eyes at the door, wondering if he should retreat to his bedroom and pretend that he hadn't heard anyone knock on the do.

"Come on Adam, open the door," the younger man said from the other side of the door. "Don't pretend you're not there, I can hear you scampering around."

Adam gulped, looking at the door like a deer caught in headlights.

"Adam..." Assad trailed from the other end when the man refused to speak up. "Are you still freaking out about that? It's okay," Assad said in a teasing tone.

Adam didn't see what was so funny. "I don't think I can look at you," he said, being honest. He rested his head on the door, placing his hand on the doorknob as he sucked on his bottom lip.

"I told you I liked you, and then I kissed you and got a hard on and I don't even know if you feel the same way yet," Adam said, realizing the second half as he said it. "Do you even feel the same way about me?" he asked.

Assad was quiet on the other end, and Adam was starting to get nervous.

"I really like you," Adam said. "A lot. I meant it when I said it," he continued, feeling his throat itch from overuse. This was the most he had spoken in a long time.

"Yeah," Assad let out. "I like you, Adam." The words made Adam's chest swell.

His gaze fell to the floor as he tried to ignore the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears. "What about that guy you have a crush on from your class?" Adam asked, being skeptical of Assad's words. Maybe the man was just saying that he shared his feelings to be nice. Adam didn't want that. 

"I don't like him that much, Adam," the younger man said. "I never did."

Adam's eyes fluttered to the door again. "But—"

"I just thought he was cute, is all. It wasn't anything meaningful," Assad said, cutting Adam off. "With you it's different. I want to take care of you and talk to you all the time, even though you ignore me or push me away. I was just shocked when you said you liked me because you rarely say anything and I feel like I'm walking on eggshells not to piss you off," Assad said.

Adam sucked in his lower lip, digesting the words Assad said. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, feeling bad about how cautious Assad had been around him.

"It's not your fault. You're not obligated to make me feel comfortable," Assad whispered from the other end, and Adam almost didn't catch his words.

Adam felt a lump form in his throat. Why wouldn't Assad ever allow him to thank him or apologize? Why was he so bloody nice?

Adam turned the knob of the door, pulling the door open before looking right at Assad who was on the other end. The younger man gave him a smile.

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