Chapter 17

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When Assad and Adam got back to their apartment complex the two climbed the stairs slowly, not wanting to part ways, but they got to Adam's floor anyway. Assad lingered for a bit, talking to the man at his door as they shared smiles and kisses. He pulled away from Adam for what he claimed to be the last time, before turning away and making to leave.

"Wait," Adam said, reaching out to grab his hand. Assad turned, raising a brow at the pale-skinned man.

"How about you stay over tonight?" Adam couldn't meet Assad's eyes. He needed the confidence to speak, and he was sure that if they made eye contact, he would turn into a blubbering mess.

The hallway went quiet for a while, and Adam started to grow nervous, wondering if he had read signals wrongly, and Assad in fact, didn't want to keep spending time with him.

"Okay, I'll stay." Adam perked up at Assad's words, locking eyes with the now smiling man.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Assad asked with a laugh when Adam didn't say or do anything for the next minute.

The older man flushed. "I—" He paused, letting go of Assad's hand before turning to open the door to his apartment. "I was distracted, sorry." Assad just let out a chuckle. The door to Adam's apartment creaked open soon after, and the two slipped into the apartment. Assad took off his shoes as Adam flipped the switch by the entrance.

"We should probably take a shower," Assad said, wandering over to the counters by the kitchenette.

"Oh," Adam mumbled, feeling his face warm up. "Together?" he asked, watching as Assad made himself at home by pouring a glass with water for himself. The younger man shrugged, nodding his head.

"Yes, there's only one bathroom isn't there, or do you want to waste some water because you're shy of seeing me naked," he said, giving Adam a mischievous grin that made the man's face grow even warmer.

He wondered if Assad was teasing him. They didn't need to take a shower together, but Assad seemed to want to, and Adam wanted to as well, but he wasn't sure he would be able to survive his own nervousness.

"Okay," Adam managed, fumbling with the collar of his shirt. "I'll get some towels and run the water then."

"That sounds like a plan," Assad said as Adam wandered away to his storage closet. He tried to stay calm, but he was nervous, and his hands were shaking. He would stare into the closet for minutes at a time, only blinking back to find out he hadn't grabbed towels like he was supposed to.

"Is everything in there alright?"

Adam turned at the sound of Assad's footsteps. Assad made an appearance from behind the wall, walking over to Adam before looking into the closet with him.

"Is there something in there, like a bug?" Assad asked, wondering what the hold up was about.

"No." Adam licked his lips. "I spaced out, that's all," he explained, and Assad hummed.

"Okay, I'll grab the towels and run some water, if you would like that?" Assad said, and Adam swallowed his nervousness and nodded his head.

"Okay then," Assad said, reaching out to grab two towels before wandering off. Adam soon heard the whistling shower faucet, and the pitter-patter sound it made with the water hit the tub. After a while of standing and forgetting with his hands, Adam got undressed and made his way to the bathroom.

Adam had no initial idea about what he had expected, but Assad standing naked under the shower with his dreadlocks braided out of his face so that water couldn't get to them was not a sight he thought would get him hot faced and dumbfounded.

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