Chapter 27

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Adam had started taking walks now. They weren't long or as intensive as a full workout. He just walked about the block and back to the apartment complex. He got fresh air, and he had about twenty minutes to be in his own thoughts, so he liked that.

Adam was returning from one of the walks and was in the main level hallways when it saw Assad stomping down the stairs with a harsh frown on his face.

"Assad?" he called out when the man came down the last fleet of stairs.

Assad paused, blinking before looking at Adam. "You're back," he said as his facial features softened. "Did you—" the man paused as if he was evaluating whether it was wise to tell Adam about what he had on his mind.

"Did I what?" Adam asked, getting nervous.

Assad narrowed his eyes at him. There was worry behind their deep brown color. "Did you see Archie?"


Assad sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. He licked his lips as he fumbled with his pockets before pulling out Adam's phone.

"You got a call," the man said, handing the phone over to Adam. "And a few messages," Assad added as the older man unlocked his screen and tapped the icon for the messaging app.

Adam's turned white from blood loss, and his heart was pounding in his ears. There weren't any names attached to the messages, but he knew they were from Archie. They said so, and they rambled on about how Adam had ruined his life and the 'great and beneficial' relationship they had by exposing his antics, but there was one message that stood out—the one that claimed that Archie was around town and was hanging around the nearby Delhi restaurant hoping to see Adam.

Adam felt like vomiting.

The man closed his eyes for a bit, opening them again before letting out a small sigh. He put his phone into his pocket, looking over at Assad who was giving him a worried look. "It's okay, let's go upstairs," Adam mumbled even though his hands were shaking.

Assad shook his head. "No, I'm going to meet him, and I'm going to knock a few of his teeth out."

For a moment Adam felt like laughing. Assad was so sure of himself, so filled with anger, and Adam was afraid to face the man that had been tormenting him from the shadows.

With a sigh, Adam reached out to hold the man's arm. "Fine then," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "Take me with you."

Assad's frown softened and he seemed to be thinking things through. He sighed, nodded his head before pulling Adam closer to him by the arm. "Alright, I do think it's a good idea too to see him one last time so that you can tell him to fuck off," Assad said. "He's a coward. He's not stronger than you, and he doesn't have the balls to carry out his threats. He's relying on you being afraid of an idea of him. It has to stop."

Adam didn't argue with Assad on that point. It was true that he hadn't seen Archie in years, and the man felt more like a bad nightmare than a living breathing person at this point.

Assad led them out of the apartment complex, and into the streets. They weren't busy and walking the block to the Delhi restaurant felt less threatening than Adam thought it would be. Adam didn't spot a face he recognized until they were standing right at the store menu sign propped outside. It was then he made eye contact with the blond man he hadn't seen in years. Archie was sitting in one of the outdoor tables, and his blue eyes and mouth were wide open. He looked shocked—like he hadn't expected Adam to meet him.

"That's him?" Assad said, narrowing his eyes dyes at the man. He had only seen the man in interviews and pictures, so he wasn't sure. Adam swallowed the spit in the back of his mouth as he nodded.

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