[13.5] Bonus

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A/N: THIS SPOILS FUTURE CHAPTERS. I suggest not reading this if you don't want to be spoiled so early.

Monokuma hopped into the boiler room at 5 am, the morning after the 3rd trial. He heard the loud clanking sounds come from the machinery within the room. He knew exactly what they were doing and he knew all too well who it was. "Puhuhuhu... How unexpected. I never thought that *you'd* decide to go down this path!" He giggled.

The person stopped what they were doing and jumped over to the yellow railing. They grabbed a hold of the railing with both hands and lifted their legs up next to their body, like a frog.

Ichika tilted her head. "Eeeeeh? Is me doing this really that unexpected?" She smirked mischievously. "Well... then that'll certainly add to the entertainment value, won't it? A traitorous girl willing to use everyone's lives for her own gain, isn't that a title, huh?"

Monokuma laughed. "Well, considering how much trust everyone has in you, and how fond a few people are of you... It really is quite unexpected that someone they consider so kind and innocent would be such a lying snake! I mean, look at what you're doing!" He pointed at where Ichika was hammering away mere moments ago. "Being their friend all while being oh so willing to use their precious lives for your own desires."

"Ooooh, that's right! All the Ultimate students here in this killing game think that it's wise to trust someone!" Ichika chuckled lowly. "What a bunch of idiots. Just makes betraying them so much easier." That's when an idea came to Ichika's head. "Heeeyyy Monokuma... Want to do an exchange?"

"If it's about a murder I must decline!" Monokuma shook his head. "You know the rules, and so do I! I cannot partake in any murder."

Ichika rolled her eyes. "No, not for that. I asked for an exchange."


"I wanna cause as much mayhem and distrust as I can!" Ichika smirked. "Like... setting up rumours, messing with motives, and stirring the pot for a murder, eh? All in exchange for some info about the killing game."

"Ooooh, some spicy twists? Some chaos and despair? I like this!" Monokuma then tilted his head. "But what information would you want? You already know a lot!" He laughed.

"Wow, you're a lot calmer than I thought about me knowing everything I know." Ichika hummed.

"Well even if the info did come out, there's no way the others would believe you anyway!" Monokuma laughed. "And even if they did..." He bared his claws. "I have my ways around situations like those so don't test me."

"Oh my oh my how threatening." Ichika giggled. "Well I mean, there's plenty of *other* things I could ask you, like-"

"Ah ah ah!" Monokuma cut Ichika off. "I'm the headmaster here so *my* side of the deal will be made first!"

Ichika rolled her eyes. "Geez, self-important much?"

"Now... The most information I'm willing to give you is about the next motive and that's it." Monokuma said, nodding slightly while crossing his arms.

"What!?" Ichika glared at Monokuma. "Now that's hardly a fair trade for what I'm going to be doing! Yes, I want info on the motive but not *just* the motive!"

"But what else could I tell you?" Monokuma deadpanned. "Also, this will help you in fulfilling your side of the deal much easier!"

Ichika paused and tilted her head slightly. "Hm? Elaborate."

"I give you the one next motive in advance and tell you how it will be presented. Then, you come up with a way to chaos tension between everyone else!"

"Just *one* motive!?" Ichika crossed her arms and glared at Monokuma. "You're just wiggling your way out of giving me valuable information. Are you trying to ruin this?"

"...I think you will find that the next motive holds a lot more information for you than you realize." Monokuma waddled over to the manhole. "Prove to me that you're truly willing to commit to supporting this killing game, and I'll show you." He giggled and smirked up at the girl.

"..." Ichika raised an eyebrow. "I see... Then perhaps to start up some distrust, I can *finally* let the others know a traitor is hiding with them. Wouldn't that be a shock?" She grinned.

"Aaaa traitors... brings back memories." Monokuma sighed. "I guess you are the best kind of traitor now, joining forces with little old me." He giggled then tilted his head. "But how will you let them know that there's been a traitor roaming around them, hm? Gotta make sure it's a shocking revelation."

"Shocking revelation, huh..." Ichika face broke out in a manic grin as she hopped over to the left side of the boiler room and pushed the vegetation out of the way from the brick wall. She flipped out a pocket knife, spinning it in her hand once to flip out the sharp blade. "Unfortunately, because it's too early in the morning, I risk being caught if I go out and try and get a blood pack, so this'll have to do." Ichika brought it to her left arm and made a decent cut. The blood poured out of her arm and she captured it in her right hand. Using her blood, she then wrote the message, 'beware traitor' on the wall with her whole hand, dragging it along the wall like a child would.

Monokuma laughed in pleasure. "Ah-hahahaha! Wow! Your commitment *is* real and impressive!"

"Heehee, knowing how the others think... They'll either suspect the mastermind wrote this, or this is referring to the mastermind or Ouma-san." Ichika said while pulling out some bandages from her black bag around her waist and wrapping them around her cut arm.

"Oh? Are you... framing him?" Monokuma giggled. "Using him as a shield to hide behind, how despicable."

Ichika grinned while twirling the knife between her fingers at a fast pace. "Everyone in this killing game thinks that being friends and believing in each other will end the killing game. Everyone except Ouma-san are in this together, so they'll all assume that he's the traitor.  They're all so desperate to put the blame on someone for all their suffering." Ichika's face fell and her voice went quiet. "So... maybe he'll stop at this revelation."

"Puhuhu... you are a surprisingly twisted bitch, ain't ya? I love it!" Monokuma cackled.

"Well then!" Ichika clapped her hands together. "Why don't ya finish your end of the deal, huh?"

Monokuma grinned. "Of course!" He laughed. "Finish the course underneath us right now... And I'll show you."

"Oooh, the course huh?" Ichika grinned dangerously and looked over at the manhole. "Well, seeing that it's unblocked... Game on."


Word count: 1172

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