New arrivals

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I can't get into my sims and I might cry. So I'm writing another chapter to make myself feel a little better. Hope everyone is well :)


"Training is important! For a Xyon, its a life skill."

Egris had not stopped rambling about the 'importance of pushing your body' to Lola since they had left the track. She knew that he was embarrassed about her, it was something you could just tell. The other trainers had been pointing and laughing in her direction while she rested on the chairs and she would be the biggest liar if she said it didn't hurt, even a little bit.

Lola didn't need a group of incessant Aliens built like brick walls to tell her how useless she was at the track. She had many memories of school P.E lessons to remind her of that.

Egris needed a stronger mate. That was undeniable but Lola could be strong, stronger than many people gave the meek girl credit for. She may not be the fastest runner, the strongest lifter or longest jumper, but she could be more than capable in a different sense.

Remember, strength comes in many different forms.

If she had the guts, she would say that straight to Egris' face as they ate dinner in the kitchen. They would usually journey to the canteen for a nice warm bowl of rice pudding as Lola called it, but tonight they opted for a change. It was his idea and she guessed it was so he could prattle on about fitness some more. 

The two large, full-length windows at the opposite end of the living room had been opened. Before they had been covered by a decoy wall but Lola had begged Egris to open them up. Now, they could eat their meal with a mystical view of the ever-expanding cosmos and the twinkle of burning stars to guide them. 

His voice slowly enveloped into white noise as she drifted her wandering mind to the view outside of the ship.

 Nothing had enticed mankind as much as space. The final frontier, man's greatest goal, whatever you wanted to call it, you couldn't help but be captivated by its serene beauty. A black abyss of icy silence scattered with specks of searing gas twinkling down on earth for generations. Take one star, look at it with a fervid curiosity - that ball of stellar flames had captured the minds of every ancestor on the planet. Think about the world's which inhabit the inky depths at your front door; the lives they must live. 

You have to think past the blockades of your imagination, past the concrete posts of possibility, lose any sense of direction and then you, my friend, have done it. You've become a dreamer.

And space is crying out for dreamers. Like you. Like Lola.

Imagine the scene now your mind has widened. Two aliens sitting in a kitchen floating in space, one lost in today, the other engulfed in tomorrow. 

Lola and Egris.

"Do you get me now?" His sharp voice sliced through the scatterings of Lola's mind.

"Get what?" She asked innocently, turning her head back towards his direction.

"Get why training is important?"

"Yes, of course."


"Good. Oh! I have some news to tell you."

Lola's interest suddenly piqued.

"Go on..."

"We have some visitors arriving tomorrow night. A species in the neighbouring galaxy from ours. They've been very friendly towards us so they've been invited to a gathering on board."

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