A True Date

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"I'm taking you out tonight for the third time and I promise, this will go well." Egris chuckled as he lifted up Lolas coat from the hook.

It had hit him late last night that he would, even if it was the last thing he could do, take Lola out on a true date. Candles, red wine on tap and a starry night sky. No excuses.

There was one place hidden in the back passages of the Grand Station that he was certain she would love. 

"Sure." Lola giggled in return and took her coat from Egris' open hand.

"You'll love it." he purred and traced Lola's jaw.

"Save it for later." She murmured, half-joking, half hoping that something would actually happen.

"Come on then, I really want you to see the place. It's beautiful - trust me."


And Egris was the furthest thing from a liar. 

Like an indoor botanical conservatory, the room was coated in a thick layer of twisting vines and fruits alien to planet Earth. Butterflies the size of birds circled their heads as Lola and Egris entered through the large wire-rimmed double doors.

The glass ceiling and panelling offered a sublime view of the inky night and burning stars - twinkling. To the far right, you could see Earth, the splodge of green and blue drifting contently like the goldilocks planet it is. 

It contrasted so deeply with the rest of the ship. The clean-cut lines had been replaced with something straight out of a Lemony Snicket novel. 

It was only the gentle tug from Egris motioning towards a small table in the middle which stopped Lola gaping. 

A small circular table with a red and white gingham tablecloth and a small wax burning candle drew the attention of the room

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A small circular table with a red and white gingham tablecloth and a small wax burning candle drew the attention of the room. Two seats had been drawn up opposite one another and two wine glasses ready to be filled.

"Egris you shouldn't have!" She gasped and wandered up to the table.

It felt like the lady and the tramp scene but replace the dogs and add a hot blue alien instead.

In short, Lola's heart was melting and pooling at her toes.

"I wanted to. You deserve it." He added sincerely and pulled out a chair for her to sit on.

Another tip he had learnt from his book of romance. It really did know everything 

A huge grin plastered her rosy visage as Lola sat down and tucked her skirt in the most ladylike fashion. Egris smiled back and uncorked the wine before pouring a generous helping into each glass. It reminded him of the kiss a few nights ago on the sofa, the taste of wine on her lips......

He cut himself off immediately and sat down on the seat. Taking a big glug of wine, Egris managed to gather enough confidence to start a conversation. They may be a couple, but that didn't mean he was completely self-assured. There needed to be the right atmosphere, lighting and mood for the flirtatious Egris to surface.

"Thank you, really. I didn't know this place existed." Lola simpered while studying the rim of the wine glass.

"It was added for a touch of the exotic. A little bit of Xyon to bring onboard."

"Your planet looks like this?"

"Of course! It's a beautiful place, if I may say so myself."

Lola laughed and took a sip of wine. It was rich, smooth and fruity - definitely not the cheap stuff she used to buy.

"Earth is beautiful too," she added, "In some places."

"I'm sure it is. Xyon and Earth have two different kinds of beauty, you see. Ours is raw and untouched, yours is monitored and gently airbrushed."

"But both are beautiful?"

"Of course. They're gorgeous."

His eyes lingered longer on Lola this time and her cheeks warmed gently. The Prussian blue of his iris' light up and danced like the flame of the candle and she let herself be drawn in.

God, he was handsome.

"How long till the two months?" she asked quickly and waited nervously for an answer.

It was an awkward topic to be brought up but it needed to. This was a date, romance often ensued so who knew what could happen?

"A little less than two weeks. Time flies doesn't it?"


There was a small, comfortable silence before Lola added meekly.

"I'm glad I was coupled with you."

"I am too. You're -," Egris silenced his tongue and took in a deep breath. It was easy to compliment Lola in his mind but the words got lodged in his throat. But he needed to say what he felt- she had a right to know.

"You're gorgeous. Inside and out."

It wasn't a long-winded confession of love and an internal shower of flowery metaphors. 


It meant more.

The dormant blush on her cheeks flared at full force and Lola ducked her head slightly. Nothing her ex-boyfriend had ever said to her compared to that. It was always just you're cute or you look nice.

 In fact, she couldn't remember a time when anyone called her gorgeous.

Until now.

"You're really handsome." Lola chocked out and tried to cover her nervous embarrassment with a laugh.

To her relief, Egris joined in and they chuckled at her lame excuse of flattery. It died down a few minutes later and they took this as a chance to finish their glasses.

Egris didn't make any move to refill them but looked deeply into Lola's eyes instead. It was almost hypnotic - the way he could peer into your soul with one fleeting glance.

"We'll stay together, right?"

He said this with so much uncertainty she couldn't help but reach over the table and grasp his hand. Lola signed up for this programme knowing it was a commitment, a life choice of such.

Yes, every female was entitled to leave at any point but she didn't want to.

Earth offered nothing.

Space offered everything.

And she had Egris to share it with. What was there not to like?


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