Baby Making Machine

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After reading possibly one of the best and most captivating horror books on Wattpad (The Folveshch) I've had a sudden desire to delve into the realm of slightly darker fiction. I've already planted the seed in my head and once this book is finished, I'll type my thoughts down. For now, we will continue with Lola and Egris. Our favourite galactic couple.......

Warning: This is a steamy chapter. It won't be overly graphic but it's certainly not PG. You have been warned. 

"It seems we've run out of wine." Egris mused as the last drop of crimson sunk to the bottom of his glass.

Lola's blood was already surging with the liquid and a warming thrum vibrated through her body. At that moment, she was viewing everything with a rose-tinted hue.

She was being fine wined by an unbelievable handsome alien in a botanical conservatory under the watchful eye of the night.

It was heaven.

"There's more in the room." Lola knowingly implied. Whatever was in that drink, it helped no end with her newfound confidence. 

"Oh? I suppose we better head back there then." He purred and slowly lifted his long frame from the chair.

Lola, without a hint of grace, bounded from her chair and practically skipped to Egris' side. She wrapped her arm around his and they locked sides, just like an old married couple.

"I've really enjoyed myself, you know? I think it's been one of the most romantic nights I've ever had so far." she chirped.

He chuckled lightly and pulled Lola closer to him.

"Me too, me too."


Egris slipped Lolas coat from her shoulders and watched with glazed eyes as her dress pulled, revealing the tiniest strip of creamy skin. It was hardly sensual to other observers, but to Egris, it was more erotic than any flash of an Olphiets leg. 

He tore his eyes away quickly to put the coat on the hanger before gently leading Lola to the centre of the room.

As it was just the two of them and she stood like a glorified statue, Lola became increasingly aware of Egris' eyes. It sent pleasurable shivers up her spine and it brought her comfort knowing that someone could look at her like that. Especially Egris.

He took long steps up to her and stopped when their chest brushed. 

"You look beautiful tonight." He murmured and traced the neckline of Lola's dress. It dipped just above her chest and he watched as her breasts gently rose with each breath. 

At the same time, she traced the contours of his muscles under the suit. The fabric stretched over his abdomen, leaving very little to the imagination. 

Had she said he was handsome?

The sensation of his thumb slipping under the neckline and searching lazily for the zip caused Lolas eyes to search his. Passion.

That's all she could see.

Once Egris had found it, he didn't waste any time dragging the zipper down. Cold air pricked the pasty flesh of her back and she nuzzled closer the warmth of Egris' chest.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?"

Her voice had left so Lola just nodded quickly.

He smiled and opened up the door to his bedroom. It would be the first time she had ever entered the room and in a way, it was an honour. In a certain sense, Egris was still a cut off man who kept many things private. 

Lola wandered in, her hands securely hoisting her dress up. One small lamp in the corner of the room was the only source of light. 

She preferred this as any self-conscious thoughts could be dissipated. They may be a couple but that didn't mean Egris could see everything yet.

The notion that she wasn't pretty, she was slightly chubby and all together barely scraping average was still strong. It would take a long time for those to shake off.

"Come here," He cooed and opened his arms.

Lola waddled up to him and was engulfed in a bone-crushing hug. Her warm breath tickled Egris' chest and he gently combed his hands through her locks.

"If you don't feel comfortable, we'll stop. Okay?" He whispered.

"I'm fine. Just nervous." she chuckled quietly and let go of her garment. 

Egris shuffled slightly and the dress fell, pooling at her feet. 

Now she was smooshed up against him in just her bra and knickers. Lovely. 

His desire aroused at this and he desperately wanted to push her closer. To feel everything there was. How he had gone 30 years without it, he didn't know. 

Lola stepped back slightly so Egris could also remove his clothes. It was only fair, after all. He followed her cue and reached for his own zip, pulling it down to reveal tribal tattoos littering his indigo skin. As more of the chest was revealed, Lola sucked in a breath.

There was more ink than blue, with each one twirling and meaningful in their own way. If there was one thing undeniable, it would be that tattoos were sexy. Very sexy. He yanked it down all the way revealing a man in all his pure, naked glory.

Oh, and there was one thing. He didn't wear any pants.

Lola looked away quickly but couldn't help but catch a glimpse of his long, hard length.

Good, god.

"What's wrong?" he grinned and moved closer.

She made no attempt of moving away and revelled in the feeling of being engulfed by Egris' arms. Feeling a sudden need to join him in the art of nakedness, Lola unhooked her bra. There was a minute of uneasiness when her hand lingered over the hem of her pants. 

She would see him naked. There wasn't anything to hide but her head made a million theories of what could. Would he notice the stretch marks? The cellulite? 

"We can stop if you want." he reiterated with his head tucked in the crook of Lola's shoulder.

"No." She said with more confidence she felt, "I want to."

And she did. Her insecurities would not ruin this moment.

With one secure pull, her pants like every other piece of clothing fell to the floor. Egris hoisted her up and laid her down on the bed like a fragile doll. She watched as his eyes raked her up and down, his pupils drowning in lust. 

Taking in a deep breath, Lola pushed herself up and caught Egris' lips with her own. They fell back on top of each other with their mouths locked, pulling, nibbling and tasting. Every inch of skin on show was moulded together - successfully securing the two to enjoy a moment of passion.

And that night, ladies and gentlemen, they were never parted.

Sorry for leaving it like that! You'll just have to use your imagination I'm afraid ;)

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