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Welcome back, everyone. 

I know I've been gone for an unacceptably long time but now I'm back. And I have something to say to you all. 

After reading through all the comments and chapters of this story, I've come to the decision that I just can't let it go. I've been thinking about having a second book for a little while now but I've finally found the motivation to do so. 

I gave you an option in the vote to have a little story about Captain Nix with someone new and quite a few people were on board with that idea. So, despite this being the very early stages of my idea, I would really like to write that story. 

I don't know the title, the blurb or the cover but I do know what I want to include. And it is as follows: 

- I want to write about an older female character (around 30 - 40 ish) as I don't feel like that age group gets much recognition in these types of stories. 

- I also want them to be an older couple. Once again, something which isn't usually included for the main characters. 

- The female lead will be called Maria - she'll be from a small village in the Cotswolds.

- Both will have lost their previous partners, meaning that Maria and Nix will first be introduced as widows. 

- And lastly, Maria hasn't originally planned to join the new group of females. She did it for her friend who wanted to go and couldn't make it.

- Maria is NOT chosen for producing children. Despite being still able to carry children, she isn't in the desired age group. This means there will be no deadline to be pregnant or anything like that. I want to focus on them as a couple ........ and maybe some adopting later hehehe. 

This story will be in progress sometime soon ... I don't know when XD

But as soon as possible for me :)

And even better - there's more. After a reader suggested the idea of Rosie and Oscar (the children) having a story about them when they were older, I couldn't resist. So, everyone, I'm in the process of writing it right now. It's called Rosie - check it out.


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