Little insecurities

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"A drink?" Egris gently pushed a tumbler of amber liquid towards Lola.

Her head snapped to his direction and she offered him a light smile which tightened on her skin. The Olphiets captured the room with just their presence and she couldn't help but catch the main topic of their discussions. 

They spoke of the human females with such disgust, Lola couldn't help but cower slightly from the harshness of their words. Maybe a drink would help.

She took the glass from his claw-like hands and lifted the rim to her painted lips. It tasted like whiskey and burnt the back of her throat slightly, but it wasn't close to the pain of the other aliens' words.

In the dimmed lighting of the room, the scar across Egris' face almost glowed and gold traded through the caverns of his irises. He was undeniable handsome - even more now.

At least she could say that they were together. Perhaps not romantically, but Lola was sure that he wouldn't leave her. On Earth, human men overlooked her constantly and much preferred to familiarise themselves with her friends. She learned to lower her standards in a last-ditch attempt to gain a romantic connection. 

That ended badly. Lola thought she had found the 'one' until she caught him with her best friend.

"Don't listen to them." Egris murmured close to her ear so no one else could hear.

"I'm trying not to." She replied with the glass still perched on her lips.

"It's just talking with them, there is no intent behind them," he assured, taking a long swig from his own tumbler, "Trust me."

"I am. What is there to do at this party anyway?" She asked quickly, desperate to steer the conversation away from the models stealing the light in the room.

"Drink, dance, a light flirtation?"

Lola's eyebrows instantly raised and she stared at him for a few seconds. It was so unlike Egris to mention anything like that.

"What? Isn't that what you humans do?"

"I suppose. I just wouldn't take you for the flirting type."

"Oh, I'm not. But since it's been a fortnight of us being together, I thought I could try it out."

In truth, Egris had been told by his higher command that other couples were 'progressing' much faster than him and Lola during the weekly meeting. He tried to tell them that it was too soon to be romantically involved with her, but they shut that down quickly. He was told to set an example to his peers and become a true Xyon man. Even if that meant flirting his heart out tonight in order to 'progress' like the others.

He had borrowed a book on the 'art of love' from one of his colleagues and tried desperately to pick up as many tips as he could. But all he learnt was that humans were weird creatures. Kissing? Mouth to mouth, exchanging bacteria? 

It's safe to say he was thoroughly repulsed by that idea. If he could avoid it, Egris would not be doing any kissing.

It wasn't as though he didn't find Lola attractive, he did. She was unique, sweet and he had an overwhelming urge to protect her. Just one look and he crumbled slightly, although he would never admit it.

Egris just didn't want to rush things and scare Lola away. He had never dabbled in love before and it seemed a scary concept to grapple, especially for a warrior alien. He was told not to feel because feelings cause a man to go weak. But now Egris was part of the programme, would that still count?

Could he feel now?

Did Lola find him attractive as he found her?

All these questions and so little answers.

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