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"BUT MOM, THE ONLY way I will go to this funeral is if Adrienne comes with me." Alex said as he tried to persuade his mother into bringing Adrienne with them to his aunt's funeral. "She's my support system through things like this."

Penelope stared at her son with narrowed eyes. "Alex, you're just upset because you haven't seen your girlfriend in two weeks."


Penelope shook her head. "I will let Adrienne come with us on one condition, Alex." Alex's eyes perked up as he stared carefully at his mom. Penelope purposely stayed quiet for a while until Alex begged her to carry on. She snorted. "You have to do the laundry for two straight months."

Alex's jaw dropped. "Just for a couple of hours with my girlfriend?" Penelope nodded and placed the basket of laundry on top of the couch. Alex then smiled and picked up the basket, "Fine."

Penelope watched in shock as Alex took the basket to room. "What the hell."


AS THEY WALKED INTO the funeral home, Alex kept one hand in Adrienne's and one arm locked with his grandma. Adrienne gave everyone soft smiles as they walked, Lydia greeting everyone with a tight handshake as they walked past. Several of Alex's tias went up to him and began to ask questions about who Adrienne was. One of his tias pressed her cherry lips onto Alex's cheek before she turned to Adrienne, "Well, no matter what happens take care of this hermoso." Adrienne smiled before she and Alex walked back to Penelope and Elena.

"I need to hide. This funeral is like the walking dead of tias," Alex paused and hovered his hands over his body, "I mean." Adrienne rolled her eyes and punched Alex's side.

     Lydia then walked up to their group between Alex and Penelope. Elena then shot up "Oh, oh, oh! There's Tia Pilar. I've always wondered if she's gay." Lydia rolled her eyes.

     "Elena, you think everyone is gay! Pilar is just eccentric. She rides a motorcycle. She owns seven cats. She shares a one bedroom apartment with her long-time roommate, Susan. How is that gay?" Lydia asked. Everyone then turned to see Pilar's — quite obvious — girlfriend wiping the tears off of Pilar's cheek. Adrienne raised her brows, she wouldn't be able to come out to her family no matter what. Pilar was lucky that at least her family had noticed. "Okay!" Lydia said before she walked away.

     Alex then slid his hand into Adrienne's and brought her for them to sit down in the front row. "You know, your family is lucky that you have one to be yourself in. I could never tell my family about me." Alex raised a brow in question. Adrienne sighed, "I am pansexual."

     "So you like. . . pans? How come you're with me then?"

     Adrienne was about to say something, but instead she sighed. "Yes, Alex, I like pans and I am totally sexually attracted to them and every time I go to your house and your mom cooks us dinner I just want to jump on the stove alongside the pans."

     Alex narrowed his eyes. "I sense some sarcasm here and there."

     "Yes, Alex, you're supposed to." Adrienne said with a roll of her eyes. "Now come on, I just heard your sister basically describe herself as lesbian jesus so I have to ask." Adrienne and Alex walked up to Elena and Penelope. "So like a lesbian jesus, Nena?" Adrienne asked Elena.

     Elena's eyes widened as she pointed at Adrienne. "I love that! Because I have long hair, and I'm a really good carpenter, and I look real good in Birkenstocks."

     Adrienne shook her head with Penelope. "Ay baby, nobody looks good in Birkenstocks," Penelope told her daughter. "Besides, it's none of our business and it would be rude to ask, so don't."

     "Okay. ." Elena muttered before going to sit down where Alex had sat before. Before long, Adrienne was sitting beside Alex on a couch with his mother. Once Penelope and Lydia had left to say hello to Lydia's sister Mirtha, Alex sat beside Adrienne and rested his head on her shoulder. "This is kind of boring." Alex admit.

"Bubs, it's a funeral. You're not going to find Kanye selling some Yeezys or Wiz Khalifa performing a pop-up concert." Adrienne sighed. "Because trust me, if Chance was here I would not be bored at all."

Alex sighed. "Do you have any makeup wipes on you?" Adrienne narrowed her eyes and stared at Alex for a while. Then she broke and pulled one out from her handbag and handed it to him. He and Adrienne stood up and he pressed a kiss to her temple before they stood up and started to walk towards a trash can. Before Alex could throw away the makeup wipe that had the lipstick his tia had placed on his cheek, Lydia pulled Alex and Adrienne towards Tia Ophelia's casket.

"There's too many people around. It's time to do what we talked about." Lydia told them. Alex began to ask if there had been any other way but Lydia pushed him. "There is no other way! Vete!"

Alex pulled Adrienne towards the entrance of the room. He smiled awkwardly as he pulled out his phone and went to the album he had all the pictures of him and Adrienne. "Does anybody want to see pictures of us at homecoming?" Immediately, his tias and cousins stood up and huddled around the two. "Me and my latina girlfriend that I am going to marry." Adrienne's heart melted at the words. It was then ruined by Alex shouting, "Don't touch the hair!"


AFTER A WHILE OF being with his family on the couch and Lydia saying all positive things about Alex and Adrienne's relationship, the two snuck off to Alex's room. It wasn't Adrienne's first time being in his room, but she always felt so awkward. Not in a bad way, but she just never knew what to do except for sitting at the edge of the bed while Alex was all comfy.

"Babe, we've been dating for almost two years now. You can snuggle up beside me exactly like you do in the movie theaters." Adrienne's cheeks turned red. The brunette then looked at Alex to see he was patting the spot beside him. Adrienne swallowed the nervous lump forming in her throat and crawled up beside her boyfriend. The two were almost sixteen. It was crazy to think they had started their teenage years together and were hoping they would start their adult years together too. Alex removed his coat and grabbed his remote. He put on Netflix before he started searching through the movie and show titles. Adrienne slowly started to become more comfortable and she placed her head on his shoulder.

Adrienne then noticed that Alex's hand was close to her thigh. His fingers were tracing shapes on the side of her thigh. The girl gnawed on her bottom lip, grabbing his hand and placing it directly on her thigh. Alex's eyebrows raised but he quickly recovered so she wouldn't notice. But as Alex's hand began to move the slightest bit towards her area, Adrienne immediately panicked.

"Okay, okay I'm gonna go get some orange juice because I am absolutely parched, want any?"

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