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ECHO SAT ON THE couch beside of her father. Her laptop was placed in front of her as she went over things for work. Bella walked in the door and sat down beside of Echo, leaning on her shoulder as Charlie started to talk to her.

"You understand why you're being punished right?" Charlie asked, looking at the youngest brunette.

"I know, I put you through hell." Bella answered. Echo smirked in amusement at the conversation but kept her mouth closed as she listened.

"Yes, you did. But I have other reasons for grounding you. Like, uh. . .I just want you to get some separation from. . .him."

"Dad, there's nothing you can say. Edward is in my life." Bella quickly said.

"So, all right, how about this? I'll make you a deal. You're not grounded anymore if, you use your new found freedom to see some of your other friends too, like. . .like Jacob. He's going through a really tough time right now. His dad is really worried about him. I remember when that was you. When you needed a friend, Jake was there." Charlie told the girl.

"Yeah, come on sis. I'll go with you. I've been meaning to see Sam anyways." Echo encouraged. Bella looked up at Echo who sent her a look before she sighed, nodding her head.

"Fine." Bella got up off the couch and Echo closed her laptop and gathered all of her papers, placing them on the table.

"Who's driving. Me or you?" Echo asked.

"You. I like your car." Bella stated. Echo nodded her head, grabbing her car keys. She walked over to Charlie, giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking out after Bella. The siblings entered the black vehicle and made their way toward the reservation. Echo glances up at the rear view mirror then slams on breaks when she noticed Edward and Alice in the back of her car.

"What the hell are you two doing in my car?" Echo snapped. Echo's attention changed from the vampires in the backseat back to her car only to see it not working. She tried to crank the car only to hear it simply click.

"You going to the reservation?" Edward asked.

"How did you-?"

"Alice did you do this to my car?" Echo interrupted, glaring at the brunette.

"Bella, you have to understand, your safety is everything to me." Edward spoke. Echo scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Jacob's not going to hurt me." Bella defended.

"Not intentionally, but the wolves have no control." Edward stated. Echo rolled her eyes.

"Jesus Christ, get over yourself." Echo mumbled.

"Edward, I have until graduation to see him. And then I'll be one of you and he'll hate me forever."

"Wait. What?" Echo's head snapped over to Bella. Bella looked at her and widened her eyes. She had forgotten to tell Echo. "What the hell does that mean, Isabella?"

"I can explain." Bella started but Echo just shook her head. She got out of the car after popping the hood and started to fix her car. She ignored Bella's shouts at her trying to explain and once she got the car fixed Edward and Alice were gone and Echo drove them back to the house. She grabbed her keys and got out of the car. She entered the home and grabbed her laptop and papers before going up to her room.

She couldn't believe what she had heard. Bella was going to give her life up to be a vampire. Echo was pissed. She didn't understand her sister and her choices. Echo could no longer focus on her work. Her mind running back to the words that fell from Bella's mouth.

"Echo." Bella's voice came from the other side of the door, but Echo ignored it. "Echo, open the door. Let me talk to you. Let me explain."

"Go away, Bella." Echo mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

"Echo, please. If you don't open the door, I-I'll break it down."

Echo almost laughed at that. Almost. Instead she just sighed and got up off the bed and walked over to the door, unlocking it. Bella quickly entered the room, closing the door behind her. She looked at Echo who was avoiding eye contact with her.

"Echo, you have to understand-"

"Understand what, Isabella? That you're throwing your entire life away just to be with someone? You have so much to do in your life, and you want to throw it all away. How the hell do you expect me to understand that?"

"You would do the same thing if you were in my place." Bella quickly defended.

"Bella, I'm twenty-five! I've been through literal hell and back. I don't have much left in this life to give, so I would be changed if Carlisle asked that of me. But Bella, you're eighteen! You still have college and you have your dreams left. You really want to give all of that up? Apparently I didn't teach you as well as I thought I did." Bella could tell that Echo was mad. And Bella didn't like it when Echo was upset with her.

"Echo, I'm sorry. But this is my choice, and I stand by it." Bella softly said. Echo pulled out her phone and dialed Sam's number. "What are you doing?"

"I'm calling Sam. I can't stay here tonight. And I can't stay at the Cullen's because I'll end up killing Edward." Echo answered.

"Hello?" Sam's voice entered through the phone. Echo held a finger up at Bella before speaking.

"Hey, Sam."

"Hey, E. What's up?"

"Do you have somewhere I can stay tonight. I can't stay under the same roof as my sister right now." Her voice almost cracked, but she wouldn't allow it.

"Yeah, of course. Everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's peachy. I'll see you in ten." Echo hung up the phone and packed up her things. She grabbed two pairs of extra clothes and then slipped on her leather jacket.

"You're really going to leave?" Bella asked, following Echo out of her room and down the steps.

"Yes, I am. If you need me, I probably won't answer." Echo's words made Bella flinch. They were full with poison. "If Dad asks where I am, tell him." Echo turned on her heel and left the home, leaving a hurt Bella standing there, not sure what to do.

" Echo turned on her heel and left the home, leaving a hurt Bella standing there, not sure what to do

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1,069 words
Authors note: we love that. My Jasper Hale fic is up and it's called Damaged Goods, but I'm not going to post the first chapter until I either finish the second part of this book or when I finish one of my other books.

I hope you all enjoyed! Stay safe! Until next time, bye lovelies!♥️


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