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NO ONE HAD EVER seen Echo Swan so emotionally distraught. She had waved a goodbye to her sister when she left for her honey moon and then trapped herself in her bedroom. She held a blank look on her face as she remembered the face of her mother. Echo couldn't comprehend why she was so emotionally unstable when it came to the topic of her mother. She hadn't cried so hard in her life since she was eleven, and that was when her mother decided to leave Charlie and move her and Bella to Phoenix.

She had been like this for three days and she knew Charlie was worrying about her as well as the whole Cullen family. She had told Carlisle that once she became emotionally stable again that she was going to go through with the change. A knock came at her door, she didn't answer. She stared blankly at the wall in front of her as the knocks continued before finally the person gave up. Or so Echo thought. All of a sudden her door was flying open and the doorknob to her room had been broken.

Echo finally removed her eyes from the wall she had been staring at for three days and was slightly confused as to why Rosalie was standing in her room. Rosalie sauntered over to her before sitting down on the beside her.

"There were things I still wanted before I came into this life." Rosalie started, grabbing Echo's attention.  "To be married with a nice house and a husband who kissed me when he came home. A family of my own. Royce King was the most eligible bachelor in town, I barely knew him. But I was young, I was in love with the idea of love. On the last night of my life I left a friend's house late, I wasn't far from home...They left me in the street thinking I was dead, believe me I wanted to be. I felt so weak and useless. Carlisle found me, he smelled all the blood, but he thought he was helping me."

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Rose." Echo mumbled. Rosalie didn't look at her as she continued.

"I got my revenge on them, one at a time. Saved Royce for last so he would know I was coming. I was a little theatrical back then. Things got better after I met Emmett, but we'll always be this, frozen, never moving forward. That's what I miss the most, possibilities, sitting on a front porch somewhere, Emmett grey haired by my side surrounded by our grandchildren, their laughter."

"Not to be rude, but why are you telling me this?" Echo asked. Rosalie turned her head, shrugging her shoulders.

"I remember that you've told us your back story and I felt it only fair that you knew mine. Besides, you're going to be part of my family now and I guess this was me showing you trust. But, this is also me dragging you out of your room for some fresh air. We all have some bad parts in our past and it sucks that we have to live with them, but you can't just lock yourself away from others when you're not okay. No ones ever truly okay, Echo. Yeah, you can separate yourself from someone, but you can't completely shut them out." Rosalie whispered towards her. "I know what happened between you and your mother, but you got to let it go. I can't force you to forgive your mother, but I can force you to think about it. Soon you're going to be immortal and you'll have to live the rest of your life regretting the fact that you never forgave her. Of course, you don't have to do it yet, but I think you should do it when you're ready."

Echo thought about her words. She knew Rosalie was right and she found herself feeling stupid on how she reacted towards her mother. Echo nodded her head as she let out a soft sigh.

"You're right. I'm a twenty-five-year-old adult that is acting like a petty teenager." Echo let out a laugh as she shook her head. "I guess I have a call to make don't I?"

"I guess you do." Rosalie smiled. Echo pulled the blonde into a hug. The blonde was surprised by her action but nonetheless hugged back.

"Thank you, Rose."

"Anytime, Echo."


Echo fiddled with her fingers as she patiently waited for her mother to arrive. To her luck, her mother had stayed an extra few days to shop in Port Angeles. Renée walked into the restaurant and smiled slightly when she caught sight of her oldest daughter. Renée sat in the seat in front of Echo and the oldest of the Swan siblings sent her mother the best smile she could muster.

"Re- Mom." The word tasted foreign on her tongue. "I wanted to apologize to you for my behavior at the wedding. It was rude and uncalled for and I'm sorry. You deserve a chance to explain, so here's your chance. Please, explain to me why you treated me like I didn't exist."

"You were my first child. I didn't know how to be a mother and I was freaking out half the time. When Bella was born, I thought that maybe I could do a better job. And so, my attention sorely focused on her and I guess because you were older I thought you could handle yourself." Renée explained.

"Mom, I was seven when Bella was born. You treated me like I was eighteen." Echo stated, trying her best not to snap at her mother.

"I know that now. Echo, I really am sorry for not treating you better. But you have always been my little girl and I will always love you, even if I don't properly show it sometimes." Renée told her oldest daughter with complete sincerity. Echo met her eyes and nodded her head.

"It's going to take some time, but I forgive you. Maybe we can have the relationship me and dad have one day." Echo's voice was gentle as she sent a sincere smile to her mother. "But, I do not forgive you for naming me Echo. I mean, what kind of name is that?" The two shared a laugh and instantly Echo felt a huge weight fall off her shoulders. She was glad to have this time with her mother. It made her sad that she had decided to start the relationship so late.

 It made her sad that she had decided to start the relationship so late

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1,093 words
Authors note: 🥺🥺🥺

I hope you all enjoyed! Stay safe! Until next time, bye loves!♥️


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