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THE NEXT MORNING, ECHO took the time to pick up her sister as well as Edward and drop them off at the airport. She said her goodbyes, telling Bella to be safe and completely ignoring Edward's existence. Heading back toward Forks, her fingers tapped along the steering wheel, a rhythm that was keeping her awake. She was starting to get used to sleeping everyday, and now she couldn't function without having a minimum of six hours of sleep per day.

Her phone rang and she grabbed it, glancing at the caller ID and smiling slightly when she saw Carlisle's name. She quickly answered the phone with a sigh.

"I need you to keep talking so that I don't fall asleep behind the wheel, wreck, and die, thanks."

"Hello to you too." Carlisle laughed from the other end. Echo smiled at the sound. "If you're so tired why don't you come here and rest. My house is closer than yours and I really don't want you to wreck because you're sleep deprived."

"I don't want to come over to just sleep." Echo stated. "That's just rude. Besides, you people don't sleep anyways and I really don't want to sleep on your couch."

"We have a bed here. If you don't remember, my son is dating your sister who also needs sleep."

"I don't have a choice, do I?" Echo mumbled, turning a corner.

"Sure you do." Echo could hear the smile in his voice causing her to roll her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'll be there in ten."

Echo pulled up to the Cullen's home and let out a sigh. She really didn't want to make the effort but she forced herself to do so. She unbuckled her seat belt and jumped when the door swung open.

"Jesus! Warn somebody next time!" She scolded, looking up at the man she had grown to love.

"I saw the opportunity. I had to take it." He defended himself.

"You sound like a teenager." Echo grumbled. She took the keys out of the ignition and took hold of Carlisle's out stretched hand. He closed her car door and the two made their way up to the house. "You know what I just realized?" He looked over at her, cocking an eyebrow. "I just realized I won't have to deal with Edward for two whole days. That makes me happy."

"You really don't like him, do you?"

"Nope." Echo smiled. He chuckled in amusement before allowing her into the home. When she entered she sent the group of teenage vampires a small smile in acknowledgement. Carlisle led her up the steps and into a bedroom that held a bed. She smiled the slightest at the sight of it. She turned to face Carlisle, sending him a small smile. "Don't wake me up for another six hours."

"As you wish."

"Princess Bride quotes. I accept." Echo smiled but when he gave her a confused look she let out a sigh. "You've never seen The Princess Bride?"

"I don't believe so."

"You uneducated creature. Well, now you have to watch it. There's something for you to do while I'm asleep. I own a copy in my room. Go get it and watch the movie. I will quiz you to make sure you've watched it." Echo ordered. Carlisle cocked an eyebrow and smiled in amusement. "I'm being serious."

"Get some rest love." Carlisle stated, giving her a quick kiss.

"I'll sleep better if I know you'll watch the movie." She smiled.

"Goodnight, Echo."

"Watch the movie." Echo called in a singsong voice as he walked away. She closed the door and couldn't help the smile on her face. She kicked her shoes off and climbed onto the bed, crawling under the covers. She closed her eyes, expecting a dreamless sleep per usual but was surprised when pictures started to form in her head, allowing a dream to appear in her mind. But the dream soon became a nightmare.

Echo looked around at the surrounding woods. It was dark, the only light she was receiving was the stars that were lighting the night sky. Echo looked down and was confused as to why there was blood flowing down her arms. It wasn't her blood, it was someone else's. She then noticed the knife in her hand that was coated with the crimson liquid, her gun laying there on the forest floor.

She looked around, trying to find the source as to where the blood had come from. Stopping abruptly when she saw him standing there. The blood poured from his throat as he slowly made his way over to her. He looked so angry. Echo furrowed her eyebrows as she took a step toward him, not noticing the knife drop from her hands.

"You did this to me." He spoke as he got closer. "You didn't care. You just did what you were told. You murderer."

"Like you said, I was doing as I was told. I'm sorry, alright. I am. But you were a traitor." Echo stated, taking a step back from him.

"I was your lover!" He argued. His hand wrapped around her throat and he slammed her body against a tree. Echo clawed at his hand, gasping for air.

"I didn't know what love was!" She argued. "I didn't understand it. I always hated it. Ever since I was little, I've always hated it. When I met you, I hated it even more. When I met Alaric, the hatred only grew worse."

"You killed him like you did me."

"I didn't kill him. I wasn't there to save him." Echo defended.

"It was your idea to go back. You're the reason he's dead. You're the reason why we're all dead." Echo looked past him and noticed all of the people she had killed standing there. She saw Alaric standing there. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at him.

"I'm sorry." She croaked. Her eyes moved from Alaric's and back to the man in front of her.

"Sorry won't bring us back!"

"I'm not sorry that I killed you. I'm sorry that you ever thought I loved you." Echo's voice went into a whisper. The man looked at her with poisonous eyes.

"It's your turn now, bitch." Alaric walked up to the man, handing him Echo's gun and then walking back to his previous position. He placed the gun to her head a smirked. "Three times a charm, right?" And then, the gun went off.

 "Three times a charm, right?" And then, the gun went off

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1,087 words
Authors note: Oof.

I hope you all enjoyed! Stay safe! Until next time, bye loves!♥️


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