Chapter Twenty Six: Guns Blazing pt 1

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Stanford watched as Rori slowly took the hand of the man in front of her, a small frown on her usually happy face. She hadn't been thrilled when Logan loaded her up in Stanford's truck and explained that they would be spending the day with Elijah's brother and his friends, and that he wouldn't be there with them until later that day. It had taken a good half hour to get her tears to stop once they arrived at the clubhouse Demon Ink owned on the edge of town.

"Don't look at her like that," Logan whispered, nudging her shoulder into his arm. He immediately wrapped it around her waist and pulled her closer to his body, burying his nose in the hair at the top of her head. "You're gonna see her again. You're gonna see me again. There's no point in looking like you're saying goodbye forever."

He tightened his arm around her before letting her go, both of them watching as Phoenix led Rori into the clubhouse with Zoey trailing right behind them, holding the hand of a small blonde teenager.

"Promise me that you'll be careful," Logan sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and turning to face him.

"I have something to come home to now, of course I'll be careful. I promise to push Elijah in the way of any flying bullets, he did really well with it the last time around," Stanford teased, grinning at Logan when she just rolled her eyes.

He knew she was worried about what was going to happen and would stay worried until he came back safe and sound. It was a new, pleasant feeling that warmed him from the inside out.

"Time to go," Maddox warned, nodding his head towards the truck before pulling his wife in for a kiss, dropping one to Parker's head where it rested on Darcy's shoulder.

Stanford held his arms open for Logan, squeezing her body to his when she walked into them. She buried her face in his chest and he could feel her tears soaking through his shirt, a wet reminder that she wasn't used to moments like this. She had always been the one to protect Rori and he knew that it was hard for her to let him handle it, but this is what he did. He fought for the ones that couldn't stand up for themselves.

"I love you," Logan muttered, the noise muffled against his chest. He tightened his arms around her before letting her go, pressing his lips against hers when she tilted her head back.

"I love you, too. Go inside with Darcy. I'll come and get you and Rori when everything is over with," Stanford said softly, watching as she trailed after Darcy into the clubhouse.

He waited until the remaining members of Demon Ink went inside, the sound of deadbolts locking echoing in the silence before turning towards his truck.

"Razor just texted with the address. It's about five minutes from here," Landon explained, shoving his phone back into his pocket and crawling into the backseat of Stanford's truck. "We get there and we let Razor take Brody out of the side door. Jaxon and I want to try and arrest everyone else involved with minimal violence on our part, but we understand if a punch has to be thrown."

Stanford turned the engine over and threw the truck in reverse, backing out of the driveway with Elijah's suv right behind them.

"How long will he go away for?" Maddox asked, turning in the seat to look at his brother. Stanford glanced in the rearview mirror and saw Landon shrug.

"He broke the restraining order and we can get him conspiracy to kidnap. Maybe conspiracy for rape and murder if Razor's sworn statement is allowed. Since Rori was his intended victim the first time and he's going after her again I doubt the judge will give him anything less than twenty-five to life," Landon said softly, looking out of the window.

Stanford knew what his friend was thinking, about how if Kyle didn't get a life sentence that he would still die in prison. Landon would make sure that the news of Kyle's pedophilia would get around, to the guards and inmates of wherever he ended up. The justice system might have failed Rori the first time but it would be taken care of without a second thought in jail. The one thing that they could all count on was the inherent disgust everyone had for people who hurt children, especially when it was sexually.

"We're here," Stanford muttered, parking on the street in front of the abandoned house that had the same address Razor had sent. Elijah parked his suv behind the truck and they all piled out, standing at the end of the driveway.

"Is that your mom's car?" Damion asked, pointing to the rundown car that was slightly up the street from where they were standing. Stanford nodded his head slowly, pulling his phone out of his pocket and seeing that he had three missed calls from her from an hour ago.

"Something's not right. Stay low to the ground and don't rush in the house," Jaxon advised, pulling his gun from the holder that rested on his hip. Stanford was impressed with how low Jaxon and Landon could crouch and continue to walk given their heights but followed their lead, their group of six making their way silently up the driveway and onto the porch.

The unmistakable click of a gun cocking broke the silence that had surrounded them, cold metal pressed against Stanford's temple from his spot beside the window.

"I always knew you were stupid," Shelia giggled, her hand stretched through the broken glass. "I'm not the only one with a gun, so unless you want them to start shooting I suggest you have your friends drop theirs."

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