Chapter |5| The past, The present and The future

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My father has gone to get my fiancé

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My father has gone to get my fiancé.

He's been looking ever since I turned 18, even though I begged him not too. I've told him multiple times that I want to find a wife my way but he just dismisses me anytime I bring up the subject.

I hate him. I hate him with every cell in my body. He just doesn't get it, or he chooses not to listen. I'm his son, though most times it doesn't even feel like I'm that. He just uses me.

All he sees when he looks at me is a chance to expand. Of course I want that too, I mean after all someday it's going to be my gang but I don't want to sacrifice the chance of marrying my true love to get it.

He even hired a nanny for me when I was six years old, a day after my mother died. Even though I hate him for that, I love my nanny. She practically raised us and I consider her family now, that's why I call her Nana Marie.

She even knew my mother. When my mother was fourteen, she was living on the streets practically starving after being kicked out of her house. Nana Marie took her in and gave her a warm bed, clothes, food.

She did all that for a person she didn't even know. She didn't even kick my mother out when she found out she was pregnant with me, in fact she even delivered me.

My mother had issues, that was no secret. My father knew that long before he married her as well. She had panic attacks and was constantly on edge.

I think that he only married her because she was pregnant with me. He didn't care about her or love her.

That was clear from the numerous amounts of hookers and sluts he slept with. He didn't even bother to try and hide it. He just paraded them in front her.

Eventually it all became too much and she killed her self. Overdose.

From what I remember though she was kind. She used to read me stories about love and how the prince rescues the princess. I've always loved that ideology. True love.

It sounds like something magical and special.
That's what I want.

I know how that sounds. The big bad mafia leader wants love, but it's true. All I want is someone to love me.

Someone to be there for me forever. Someone to see past the money and murder and blood shed. Someone to just see me.

I believe that there's someone out there for everyone. That everyone has a soulmate. That one person designed for them.

Mine is out there somehow. She just doesn't know it yet, but when I do meet her. I'm going to treat her like a queen and give her world.

Of course I would never admit that though. I've got a reputation to protect.

"Baby, what do you want to do then?" Destiny tried to whisper seductively into my ear, but she failed massively. She wrapped her arms around me from behind and I tried to detach her from my body but the woman has a death grip.

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